FIMMING help whihc of theses 2 way is the true?


I read a lot about FIMMING but there is one big interrogation in my mind:

Do I have to cut 75% of the leaves on the growth of the plant but :WITH ou or WITHTOUT including the tip?
A friend try to FIM is own baby but It didn't do anything :(

So please help me I don't wanna miss and kill my baby ( I'm on Blue Dream HSO and Connie Chung DNA)

Thanks to you all


Well-Known Member
I read a lot about FIMMING but there is one big interrogation in my mind:

Do I have to cut 75% of the leaves on the growth of the plant but :WITH ou or WITHTOUT including the tip?
A friend try to FIM is own baby but It didn't do anything :(

So please help me I don't wanna miss and kill my baby ( I'm on Blue Dream HSO and Connie Chung DNA)

Thanks to you all
FIM=Fuck I Missed....
Don't cut the rest [75%] off... that would be really stupid....
And would stunt and or really kill, and hurt it...

Plants need leaves to grow.... they take in energy through your leaves...
Cutting them off is counter productive....


FIM=Fuck I Missed....
Don't cut the rest [75%] off... that would be really stupid....
And would stunt and or really kill, and hurt it...

Plants need leaves to grow.... they take in energy through your leaves...
Cutting them off is counter productive....
Sorry but I don't understand your answer please can you tel me where t cut to do a succesfull FIM?


Done now just hope more main colas :p I'm mad I know.. first grow : hydroponic + differents strains and FIM I try everything at once I hope a lot of this first grow but I know it's a lot for a first