Fim vs Topping your input

I got mad to work with so here we go....

I topped 35 super vigorus clones then it dawned on me my teacher (lets not say names) throughout training courses ive taken he would say top only one time (mother stalk can be topped as many as needed but your breaking down cell structure ie...mold...bugs....powder mildew)so be careful .He would top,fim,bend (super crop) get 1/2 p-p off 1 plant... So Im On a Turnover crop were talking about i just toped 34 % of the next crop should i have fimed them or should i top more than once? im still around week 2 of veg so i got two weeks if needed to recover any plants? just tested the method on like 4 clones as we speak so we will see the results..of the fim method!

any input helps thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
fimming is just topping the very top node versus the top several developing nodes. I would say fimming is always better as the plant doesn't lose nearly as much energy and time - plant matter = energy and time so the more you remove the more waste you're creating.