Filtered or reverse osmosis


Greetings to my fellow grow brothers and sisters, I’m a new grower and I’m trying to figure out which one would be better for my plants. I have access to an Elkay EzH2O filtered water fountain which is essentially free. But alot of people say they use reverse osmosis filtered water so I’m m stuck. I have been giving my plants tap water which I don’t want to continue to do because I don’t even like drinking my city tap water. So any suggestions?
If not city or well water you will need cal/mag.

Soil or not is also to be considered.

My tap comes and goes for quality. I use a charcoal filter for my soil grows.

Best I got.
A reverse osmosis system is a water purification process to remove contaminants and other large molecules and minerals from unfiltered water. RO systems are widely known to remove impurities from water, many food industries use this technique for fruit and vegetable concentration methods and alcoholic beverage treatment.