Figfarms, what nutrients are they using?


Well-Known Member
It looks like they are the best indoor growers in Cali, from what I can see they're growing in peat/perlite with a drip watering system... Anyone else for any insight?

I see high times did a spotlight on them but it's behind a paywall
It looks like they are the best indoor growers in Cali, from what I can see they're growing in peat/perlite with a drip watering system... Anyone else for any insight?

I see high times did a spotlight on them but it's behind a paywall
One of our advertisers was offering a free trial. I'd see if I could get in on it:
Ah I see now! Well I've learned something new! I thought there would be more variety in results, especially with all the hype around companies like athena. Guess it's like the rest of the worlds industries though... Influencers using stuff they get sponsored with.
Any large scale production facility that wants to maximize profit isn't running shit like Athena unless they are sponsored and getting it a massive discount.

Most large production facilities buy pallet loads of primal salts, like MAP, MKP, DAP, Cal-Nit, Sodium Molybdate, etc and then mix stocks hundreds of gallons at a time for feeding injectors.
Any large scale production facility that wants to maximize profit isn't running shit like Athena unless they are sponsored and getting it a massive discount.

Most large production facilities buy pallet loads of primal salts, like MAP, MKP, DAP, Cal-Nit, Sodium Molybdate, etc and then mix stocks hundreds of gallons at a time for feeding injectors.

Do you mean they make their own chemical formulas and you think that's what Fig Farms is likely doing?

I'm surprised more people aren't interested in how they appear to be making the best indoor weed grown in America l, based on the amount of awards they got at the emerald cup.