Fifth week flowering


New Member
I have six plants, from clones, five Jack Herer and one Great White Shark.
They are under two 600w HPS, I use the parole level of the Nectar for the Gods nutrient line.
I have a bunch of fan leaves yellowing and dying off, I know since its the end of the plants life they do that.
But it seems like more than should be dying.
Ive attached some pictures of my amazing plants, FYI, this is our first time growing.
feedback is appreciated, but I guess I just wanted to show off a little.


Dr. Skunk Bud

Active Member
How often do you water them? If its only week 5 in flowering they shouldn't be dieing off so much. Maybe you are giving them too much water I usually don't notice too many leaves dieing till about 2 weeks prior to harvest. The buds look tasty though :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
They look great for your first time, yellowing should occur in the last 2-3 weeks and have a nice fade when finished, just let the plant do it's thing, keep her happy and she will do fine.

Jack's are usually fairly fast flowering time so if your 5 weeks in you prob have 3 weeks left. If your that concerned about it up your N a lil bit, but not to much as to much N can stunt them that late in flowering.

Best of luck to ya.


New Member
I think it's too much water, but they're dry every third morning, and the hubby said to. It was every fifth morning until a week ago.
And they take two gallons, and are potted in 5gal buckets. PH 6.5 water.
If I remembered forum crap and could still do that cool quote thing I would, but I can't, so about the flowering time, I read 60-70 days for both of them. Started flowering July 4. Ill keep an eye out for trichome development.
And thank you I can't wait to taste them.