Fickle, ignorant' Canadian retail investors getting blamed for cratering cannabis stocks


Well-Known Member
they gotta blame someone eh lol Fuck are these idiots EVER DUMB

Blame Mom and Pop.

That’s the increasingly common refrain from publicly traded cannabis companies and professional investors who have watched stock prices crater over the past several months.

With large institutions still reluctant to invest in pot, Canadian retail investors continue to dominate the public floats of many cannabis companies, especially those that operate in the U.S. where marijuana remains federally illegal.

For example, institutions hold less than 1 per cent of the float of Curaleaf Holdings Inc., the largest American pot company by market value, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. That number is also comparably small for other large U.S. players, including Green Thumb Industries Inc. at 3 per cent and Cresco Labs Inc. at about 1 per cent.

That gives an outsized influence to individual investors.

“The stock price is driven by Canadian retail investors, and that Canadian retail investor is a fickle, ignorant investor that doesn’t really understand what they’re investing in,” said Jeff Mascio, chief executive officer of Cannabis One Holdings Inc., a Denver-based pot company.

Cannabis One’s share price has slumped 96 per cent from its high on April 23 to a market value of just $17 million (US$13 million). It recently laid off about 20 employees and found some other efficiencies in order to stop burning through cash, and is now focused on raising money from U.S. investors via a private placement. The company reported revenue of US$2.2 million for the quarter ended July 31.

Raising Doubts
Mascio said the whole experience made him question whether listing in Canada was worthwhile.

“There was a time when I was like, ‘That was a complete and utter mistake,”‘ he said. “We’re having to spend a lot of effort on the Canadian public side that’s not delivering a whole lot of results.”

To be sure, many pot companies haven’t delivered results either, suggesting retail investors unloading their pot stocks aren’t always ignorant. Most have yet to turn a profit, while the black market remains strong in key jurisdictions like Canada and California. In addition, specific cases have made investors wary of the whole sector. CannTrust Holdings Inc. had its license suspended and is the subject of a criminal investigation after it breached regulations, while Hexo Corp. last week cut a quarter of its workforce after saying it wouldn’t meet revenue guidance this year or next.

We're having to spend a lot of effort on the Canadian public side that's not delivering a whole lot of results
Jeff Mascio

The dominance of retail investors has been an issue even for larger U.S. companies like New York-based Columbia Care Inc., which has lost about two-thirds of its value since April but still has a market value of over $900 million.

“Until the larger institutional investors in the U.S. begin to look at the sector from a long-term perspective, I think you’re going to see a lot of volatility,” CEO Nicholas Vita said in an interview at the company’s office on Fifth Avenue. “I think you’re also going to see a thematic trend where people are picking baskets rather than picking companies because there’s a lack of information and a lack of time to really sort out the differences between the different operators.”

Private Bets
The business case for investing in the burgeoning cannabis industry hasn’t changed but private companies are currently a better bet, according to Matt Hawkins, founder and managing partner of private equity firm Entourage Effect Capital LLC, formerly known as Cresco Capital Partners.

“The market’s only going to get bigger and smart investors know that,” he said. “But, unfortunately for the public companies, prices are driven by retail investors who in some cases aren’t savvy enough to be making the buy-sell decisions. They’re losing money that they maybe shouldn’t have been investing in the first place and they’re spooked.”

This means the trajectory of pot stocks could change dramatically when institutional investors begin to buy in, said Vita.

“If the U.S. investing community, particularly the U.S. institutional investing community, decides to lean in, you’re going to see a massive spike in valuations,” he said.
Cannabis companies in general still have a rocky road ahead because everything in this market is still in it's infancy...Trying to provide accurate cashflow and financial projections I would liken to a scavenger hunt...Everyone is scrambling..Those making rash decision get hammered..Look at Constellation brands and the decreasing value of their Canopy investment...
These issues have been exacerbated by the governments piss poor attempt in competing with the well established black market..
The market will eventually find its footing at which point the small and
Nimble investor will find camnabis gems to invest in .

The market will eventually find its footing


Really eh.:???:
do tell ......
I'm not to sure how 2% of OUR MARKET:idea::hump: :weed:will help them.. :lol: ??
As things stand..If they want to continue this fiasco..They Lost before they even started thinking about this deal. As long as they plan on keeping it to themselves and not letting others play THEY'RE FUCKED SIMPLY PUT AND WE KNOW IT
Who cares if they find out after they spend Billions THINKING they will get ahead :)
Cannabis companies in general still have a rocky road ahead because everything in this market is still in it's infancy...Trying to provide accurate cashflow and financial projections I would liken to a scavenger hunt...Everyone is scrambling..Those making rash decision get hammered..Look at Constellation brands and the decreasing value of their Canopy investment...
These issues have been exacerbated by the governments piss poor attempt in competing with the well established black market..
The market will eventually find its footing at which point the small and
Nimble investor will find camnabis gems to invest in .

Some of these companies are 6 years old and still not profitable. A vast majority of them never will be either with the overheads they create for themselves
That's quite the rant! Doesnt make a lot of sense but I will try to decipher..
Not sure who you're are referring to.."They"/"Them"? Im assuming the growers (Corporate Cannabis)..
Point is: Cannabis is a commodity...Most people want to go along for the financial ride as the market and those willing to purchase has expanded dramatically..That said.These financial Investors dont want to have to grow it themselves.(Similar to miners in the trenches vs those buying shares of mining companies)
Since, the governmemt has tied the hands of Corporate Cannabis..regulations, taxes..the black market will always have the advantage..That said, once the market determined how much "legal" cannabis is likely to be sold annually..analysts can start to make valuations..thus outsiders(non cannabis growers) can now participate in potentially making money in this sector...vertically integrating into edibles, paraphernalia, equipment etc..also has the opportunity for investors.

The "footing" I am referring to is simply a gauge of how big is the legal market..which will determine value if potential investments

Some of these companies are 6 years old and still not profitable. A vast majority of them never will be either with the overheads they create for themselves
I totally agree..
And the reason have a bunch of yahoo's who have jumped into the sector...thinking there is a pot if gold at the end of the rainbow and none if them know what they are doing..The number of corporate executives, lawyer etc who have quit to join cannabis companies here in Calgary is astonishing.
That's quite the rant! Doesnt make a lot of sense but I will try to decipher..

The "footing" I am referring to is simply a gauge of how big is the legal market..which will determine value if potential investments


Oh........I know simple it goes right over peoples head..along with the LP's
what part of ( a little business 101 for yas.)
No sales.
No market for poison shwags... Do you not understand?!

Footings :lol:???? They cant even get their foot in the door.! :) :weed::idea::hump:(:
They will get MAYBE 2% of OUR MARKET
Got IT?

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Stick to growing and enjoying..and stay out of the politics..It'll keep the smile on your face.
Stick to growing and enjoying..and stay out of the politics..It'll keep the smile on your face.


certainly not the one who seems all pissy at what has been said. :idea:
I'm truly sorry for your ignorance with investing and STICKING to this deal.. :clap:

cheers bad investment ears!
I smile more every day seein these greedy mofos LOSE THEIR SHIRTS! :idea::hump::hug::D:weed::mrgreen::bigjoint:

certainly not the one who seems all pissy at what has been said. :idea:
I'm truly sorry for your ignorance with investing and STICKING to this deal.. :clap:

cheers bad investment ears!
I smile more every day seein these greedy mofos LOSE THEIR SHIRTS! :idea::hump::hug::D:weed::mrgreen::bigjoint:
I was just trying to be is the spirit of this website..but in all honesty, I find you more difficult to understand than my 7 year old.
I don't need to stick around while attempt to sputter out insults
stick to what you know!

you obviously know far less than what LP's do .:idea: .and it shows!

cheers bad investment ears!

coming here and trying to explain LP greed and BS

Never goes over well..:idea::bigjoint:
"Cannabis is a commodity "
The ONLY thing you said that is true.


BECAUSE THERE IS FAR MORE to know! :):idea::weed::clap:
I totally agree..
And the reason have a bunch of yahoo's who have jumped into the sector...thinking there is a pot if gold at the end of the rainbow and none if them know what they are doing..The number of corporate executives, lawyer etc who have quit to join cannabis companies here in Calgary is astonishing.
I agree and to that I would add they didn't jump into the sector so much as try to storm it with a corporate takeover. Not in the literal sense but they've tried to take something established they know nothing of and are trying to shape and direct it's course. Blind leading the blind.
this market could have easily hired and used actual medical patients as consultants ...who could have steered the smart companies...
into the market in the right direction from day 1...instead they did the utmost to hire consultants with no real experience in cannabis
who in turn consulted many forums just like this one...only to do the exact opposite to what the medical patients were telling them to do.

Back in the early days...we had no problem telling them how it was and is...and we were not lying...just trying to help....

well as the years pass we are seeing first hand....what the result of the consultants lack of good judgement has brought to the cannabis market place

Enjoy your ride to the bottom...and once they open the market place up to the mid to small ma and pa operations you can kiss a lot of the large Lp's goodbye...