FFOF Amendments

I'm going to be using FFOF for my upcoming grow and I want to amend it to EWC, dolomite lime, and plant-tone as I've heard they are good to add. Can anyone give me ratios for these amendments or any other amendments I might add?


Well-Known Member
None. Or you will burn the helk out of your plants. Use it then reuse and amend it then , it has everything you need for 2 months.


I would get some coco coir to mix in at 25-33%, and some more fresh EWC wouldn't hurt. Depending on your water-source you might want to add a tablespoon or two of dolomite lime (per gal.); not as necessary if you use high-TDS tap or well water. Plant-Tone or similar -Tone product 1 to 1.5 tbsp per gallon of mix for older plants.
May11th - You're suggestion has been noted.

captainkush - Thanks for that link, I've been scouring roll it up and couldn't find anything like it. Fuckin' stoners, eh? lol

Nullis - I plan on using rain water the hole way through if weather permits. I'm not sure about my tap water but I wouldn't drink it, so I definitely won't give it to my plants. If I can't get rain water I'll just pick up some distilled water somewhere. Will lime be necessary for those sources? What are the benefits of adding the coco?


Well-Known Member
Yes, you WILL need the lime. Or, don't use it and learn the hard way from experience. Your call.

I swear, the hesitancy of people to use probably the cheapest (~$4.50/40lb bag), and one of the most helpful amendments in preventing problems (supplies cal/mag and keeps pH buffered), is simply amazing.

Add it before use, 1cup/cf or 2tbl/gallon of mix. One application per grow will suffice.

Add the EWC before use, a cup or 2. Too much and you just get mud.

Add the 'tone' about 6 weeks into the grow.

I assure you I'm in no way hesitant of it. I'm just uneducated on the subject. I'm brand new to the world of organics and just trying to start slow and small so I can get the hang of it.