FF ocean forest then FF feed Q??????


k i just started my first grow under 1000w hps in foxfarms ocean forest soil wich says not to feed nuts for 30 days, i also bought the foxfarm nuts, its been 4 weeks so do i start from the 4th week on the feeding chart or break them in slow from week 1 idk what 2 do. im going to through them into bud in two weeks
thx i see what i did wrong, i should have been giving them the big bloom the whole time and started the grow big in week two. newbies learn as they go i guess.
thx i see what i did wrong, i should have been giving them the big bloom the whole time and started the grow big in week two. newbies learn as they go i guess.
beeman im in the same boat as you but my plants are 2 weeks old and wondering when to give them nutes too... so in your opinion i should start givin nutes now or another week and did you put those nutes backwards in your last post i thot big bloom was for flowering and grow big was for veggin or did i just read that wrong?? thanks bud
It's just your first grow so you may not really know, but you soon will start to realize when your plant needs what. Just give it to her accordingly and you can make a beautiful plant. Start feeding at half or third strength at 2 weeks and slowly increase to full strength. REMEMBER feed every OTHER watering!

beeman i see what you was saying now i looked on ff sites feedin sched and ya your right startin with big bloom then to grow big but does it mean to mix both nutes together then or wat??? can you do that feed big bloom and grow big to the same plant at the same time and can you mix them both in the same jug??? personally its a bit scary first grow all going good and then adding nutes and if you fuck that one up it def shows
beeman i see what you was saying now i looked on ff sites feedin sched and ya your right startin with big bloom then to grow big but does it mean to mix both nutes together then or wat??? can you do that feed big bloom and grow big to the same plant at the same time and can you mix them both in the same jug??? personally its a bit scary first grow all going good and then adding nutes and if you fuck that one up it def shows
sorry i had to go outta town for work but yeah it says to never mix the concentrate poor the big bloom in a jug of water stir then mix in ur grow big at the same time just make sure u mix them into water. if u go to the ff web site it has a feeding schedual my friend says his came out bomb when he followed it, but now he has a few grows under him he mixes things up
dont mix the nutes together before you put them in the water put each on in the water separately. as for the feeding question well i start feeding the plants two weeks after they go into soil and it seems to work fine. i would start the schedule depending on how old the plants on and not depending on when you put them in the soil. it says on the feeding schedule to use the nutes the first 2 weeks of seedling/cloning but i never do. i start to use it a week or two after i put take them from the cloning tray and put them in soil. i might try using the nutes on clones in the future but i figure this might stress the plants too much in my opinion. also i don't feed the plants everytime i transplant them into a new container until i see that they have received no stress then i put them back on the schedule. I dont believe the feeding schedule is a precise procedure so you can just guess at what age your plants are and then take it from there. once you feel like you want to flower your plants, even if on the feeding schedule says you have more weeks of veg feeding, i would still then switch to the flowering feeding schedule. i have the schedule in case anyone needs more info on it.
i wanna no if humboldt nutrients 3 part is good to use with liquidkarma and hygrozyme any feedback and also where can i find a FEED chart with these nutes?
good stuff farmer ninja thanks for that input but i can put both nutes in the same jug just add them seperatly right?? do you use ff nutes?? i didnt get tiger bloom because the hydro shop i got it all at said grow big does the same thing as tiger does and theres no sense on spending more money on getting tiger.. just keep useing grow big instead. and do i need to use big bloom now?? at first i thot big bloom was just for flowering am i wrong on that one??
my cuzin has some plants that were inside buding for two weeks now he wants to move them outside
will they keep buding or go back to veg


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i would say as long as the light schedule dont change should be good but im new to growin it just makes sense tho not on topic but i read a thread on here that a guy put his plant back in veg for a few weeks and then back in to flower after he picked his buds off and it grew new buds i heard ya could but never thot it was true
it depends where you live and what season it is. if you lived in cali and you move them outside right now they will go back into vegging for sure. whether or not they will survive the stress? well only time and care can tell that.

and soohigh, yes i use the fox farm trio grow big, big bloom, tiger bloom. i duno where it is you went where that guy gave you that info but tiger bloom and big bloom are definitely not the same. a simple glance at the back of the bottle should tell you that. for start you don't give your plants tiger bloom until they have started their flowering cycle. tiger bloom has WAY more nitrogen and LOADS more phosphate along with a number of other useful minerals. the only thing i would say is that big bloom is all organic but tiger bloom is not. so if you want to keep your plants all organic then i would choose something else. tiger bloom is like big bloom on crack and totally helps to pack weight onto those buds for sure. it has been working great for me so far but in the future i'll probably chose something fully organic. at cost of yield of course. and not to mention the fact that you can get the fox farm trio in quart bottles on amazon for around $40 including shipping. you'll be paying almost that for just one quart of quality organic stuff i dont really know what the difference is between the quality of the fruits grown with the fox farm trio or grown with all organic nutes but i can imagine it has mostly to do with peace of mind and the fact that you can call it fully organic homegrown =D

don't forget to shake each bottle well before mixing and check the PH it after you mix it all up cause you will probably need to invest in some PH up/down solutions. they are cheap
I'm new to the forum but just started germinating my seeds. I'm going with FF ocean forest aswell, I was going to wait on nutes seeing its my first grow but you guys are making me want to pick some up:) What would you more experienced guys recommend for a newb grower? Are the extra nutes really necissary? Thanks and I look forward to seeing the progress of this grow!
I also a newb but I wasted time by not starting the big bloom right away it keeps ur soil from salt lock and just to let u no I wouldnt start a baby in ocean forest it has too much in it I burned my clones by starting with it try a lighter soil then trans
fyi i transfer my clones straight to ocean forest from rockwool and havn't had a problem with it yet. although strong genetics helps :) for a newb grower the fox farm trio (big bloom, grow big, tiger bloom) is a great place to start. it has very little amount of trace minerals and has been proven to work great. they especially work well with ff ocean forest and they are cheap! $40-45 for the set of 3. it's currently what i am using but as i read more and become more fascinated with pure organics i might try something fully organic in the future. at cost of ease and yield in the beginning of course