Few questions, please help


Ok so im about to begin my first grow. Im buying snow white seeds femenized.
Please answer and try helping me with my questions:

1. Im plan on growing 2 plants, so concerning lighting what kind of lighting system should i get. I was thinking of getting a HPS & MH with ballast thingys, can any 1 tell me how much wats i shud be getting? And any links to cheap lighting would be great.

2. My grow room is gunna be in a grow tent with all mylar interior that is 5 ft high, 3 ft wide. The thins is all zipped up and stuff so im worrying about ventalation??? I read somewhere just opening it a few times a day is enough vent...any help/advice on this?

3. List all the necessary items and final cost.

4. So im a US grower and i plan on putting the tent in my garrage with garrage door closed. Their is fence between my garage and neighbors backward...Do i reely needa buy those expensive carbon fans and shud i be careful of the odors? do these plants smeel allot?(remember first grow)


Well-Known Member
2 plants and your tent wont make to much "stinky" so you should be alright there. you need at least a 250watt mps/mh light......in your case i would get a switchable ballast and run the metal halide for veg and the hps for flowerin....find it on ebay or there are some threads on here as far as inexpensive grow products!! and now ventilation! you will need it for sure!! nothin spectacular but a good intake [200-250cfm] and decent exhaust [100cfm] will do just fine!!


Well-Known Member
you can do 2 plants with cfl's in a 3 ft room you wont have the heat problems that an hps brings.you can get away with no filter until buds start then you will have to go from there.


Well-Known Member
like stated; a 250w hps of a half dozen CFLs would be ideal for your set up

as far as ventilation goes youll want to put atleast 1 small fan in that tent and some king of exhaust vent

i cant really make up a shopping list for you, sorry

2 plants might not smell too strongly, atleast not till you flower. by then you should be able to afford or make your own carbon filter


I now plan on getting maybe a 250w hps/mh grow system for like $190 from htg. Do these lights over heat allot? and should i be concerned about this.if so what do i do. and can any 1 tell me what kind of vent i need, like what inch fan and about how much cfm i need for a growtent that is 3 feet wide and 5 feet high..