Few hours of sun vs 18/6 of shitty lighting indoors


Active Member
My plants have been chillin on the windowsill for 2½ weeks now getting about 4-6 hours of morning sunlight before the sun passes around the building leaving them in shade. But yesterday it started raining too much so I took them inside, and put them under two regular 60 wattlamps I use in my room and I have to say, they're looking happier than ever. I havent seen the leaves stretch upwards this much until now.

So, Is 2x60 standard incandescent light bulbs a better option than the windowsill? Here's before and after:



Active Member
At least go CFL man, your just using wasted wattage with incandescent bulbs and they don't produce that many lumen's at all.


Well-Known Member
Plants will tilt towards any light...that doesn't mean its good light..use a couple of 26w cfl's $12.00. for the sun down time (indoor spa)...That's exactly what I did...I'm at 1.5-3.5 feet now on 6 plants.. Even cloudy day light is better then incandescent lights.....you'll end up with a whack of Sir Stretch a Lot's....


Well-Known Member
the leaves might do like that with the light bcus its a bit to hot ... might not be true but its possible... i think:neutral:
