Few dramas with outdoor grow


Well-Known Member
Been good 5 years since had a grow going. Plants are growing well apart from few dramas with bottom/older leaves fading then turning yellow.. any help or advice be greatResized_20191030_203515.jpegResized_20191030_203659.jpegResized_20191030_203515.jpegResized_20191030_203542.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Leaves yellowing from the bottom up in veg, with the leaves turning yellow evenly (not interveinally like mg def.) means classic N deficiency as far as I know. I like growweedeasy.com plant problems page. A lot.



Well-Known Member
Cheers mitch. Yea i was think nitrogen deficiency. Im currently feeding them with a NPK of n12.0 p1.2 k7.0 but only feeding them maybe once a week if that. Should i up there feed to a cple times a week to see if that changes anything?. Plus im only using tap water which is bout nuetral ph levels


Well-Known Member
Yeah probably a bit light on the feed, but they're ready for a transplant aren't they? That'll sort them out, surely. Are you measuring the pH of your feed after adding nutes? I assume that's some kind of potting mix? I don't think it's pH locking out N as it's range is huge, but I do think it pays to know the pH of what's going in, and I like to check what's coming out from time to time also.

I'm no pro though, just my 5c. You could be more experienced than me for all I know, how long did you grow before the hiatus?


Well-Known Member
Yea still fairly new to it all did a cple outdoor grows an seem to have got reasonable results outta them then had to move an few other things kept me from getting back into it. As for the light feeds i didnt want to over do it an cause any burn or any other dramas. Yea there still in seed raising mix with perlite plan on transplanting into the ground soon was waiting for them to fill out the pots first. Ive measured ph an is round 6.5 to 7 ive read that bout right for soil/in the ground?. Havent chekd the run off though probs should get onto that before i put them into the ground so i got a rough idea on whats going on there.


Well-Known Member
They're not too bad anyway and I agree less is more, your pH sounds good too. How old are they? Damn boy they gonna get huge lol :weed:Have they only had sunlight and are you bringing them indoors at night? Gonna chuck them straight in the dirt or amend it? You'll probably find the runoff pH is pretty low but no stress they'll sort themselves right out when they go in the ground.


Well-Known Member
Actually just had another look and I think those leaves always fade out around that time anyway I don't think there's anything to worry about except the roots maybe starting to want a bit more room soon, they're actually pretty good looking plants.


Well-Known Member
If i can get these girls tall an fat ill be bloody happy lol oldest ones be round 2 an half months you ger ones bout 1 an half they got off to slow start with bad weather hardly any sun in first few weeks of spring now the weathers banging. Gunna dig holes then mix with a compost soil an 1/3 of dirt from the ground plus perlite. Got 18 of them though to go in the ground though so perlite might be to expensive whatta reckon bout using something like a fine scoria(larva rock) to help aerate the soil.


Well-Known Member
Ive heard the first few sets of leaves to die off but few plants ive already cleaned up those dead leaves an now it seems that the first 5 finger leaves are doing it now. Would rather sort any problems out now rather then just let em go an keep dieing off as the grow. Apart from cple issues the plants are looking great have topped a fair few an im trying out a cple super cropped ones i think they call it lol. Snapped/bent at main stem to grow them out flat to the ground instead of straight up


Well-Known Member
They're just scavenging the older leaves, it'll probably keep working it's way up the plant until you transplant whether you feed harder or not. I'd definitely be feeding them every watering now until they go in the ground though.. Have you checked to see if they are getting a bit rootbound?

Yeah I'm very big on supercropping I love that shit lol but I don't go all out training them along the ground I just bend the highest tops into the gaps until they make a flat-ish canopy.

I'd go for the scoria but the coarser 15-20mm grade and I'd buy a bit more than enough for a 2" layer in the bottom of the holes then chuck whatever's left into the mix. Unless I had to go for a big walk through the bush then I'd taper it down depending on how far it is, how big I plan on making the holes, and how lazy I feel. You could just use it like perlite too and mix it in I guess. Maybe do a side by side? Use the same amount for each hole, but mix all of it through some plants and chuck it all in the bottom for the others?
You could also mix in some other stuff like dolomite lime, blood and bone, potash, gypsum, kelp powder, worm castings, and sheep pellets, they'll love all that shit.

I've noticed I've sort of been making myself out to be some kind of master grower since I've been here though so I have to add a disclaimer that I've only grown in the ground a couple of times so far, each time only just growing enough for personal use, and I've only tried that layer method with a raised planter box for some veges but they cranked. Good luck bud keep us posted on the progress.


Well-Known Member
Grow master or not any input/ advice is good thats what makes these forums good not only for myself but for many other growers out there doing it hard.

Honestly didnt think bout them having root bound issues but it does make sense an im sure there in need of stretching there legs out by now an im planin on getting them all transplanted into the ground by end of this weekend.

As for going all out with amendin the soil/ground as your talking about in any good planned out grow op that would be the ideal set up i would try an set out for but this time round ive sorted left everything to last minute an decided last minute to get something going. Probs just go with good compost soil bit of dolomite lime an scoria with the regular nute feedings an see how the girls turn out..

Question bout running a bottom layer of scoria in the holes, as the idea sounds great an would work nicely in a raised bed would having it layed cple inch thick in bottom of hole sort of cause bit of a swamp affect in there or help drain it. Ground here is mostly good as im cross road from a river but there is still a clay layer amongst it.

Either way cant wait for them to strecth there roots in the ground an start shooting for the sky for little plants they stink good an there still a long ways off of hitting there potential. An ill keep throwin posts up on how things are going. Hooefully with good results instead of chasing problems lol..


Well-Known Member
Sounds good mate you just do whatever you'll be happiest with because you'll be kicking yourself if you do something someone else says to do and you have a bad feeling about it then it turns to shit lol...

I imagined the scoria layer would give aeration down there, but I dunno now you got me second guessing myself :?

I'm sure you'll be fine man just go with the flow, primo:cool:


Well-Known Member
Thought id do bit of an update i would turn it into a journal but dunno how. Anyways got them all sorted an into the ground.

The ground was allot sandyer then i thought it was going to be in one spot i planned on using so found another spot which was rok solid so i went with 2.5×2.5ft holes an 3ft deep instead of digging 15 plus holes i went with 3 channels an layd cple inch of scoria in bottom of them, then mixed bout 20% of scoria threw my compost soil i had ready to go. Allot of rooting round but all is done an now time for the girls to strectch out an start doing some growing.

Before i transplanted i had a cple girls i was supercropping hard to get them to run across the ground. I went to do a bend/break on one and clean snapped the top 3 or 4 nodes of the top of the plant i grabd some electrical tape an wrapped the two halves bak together an used a stick an some ties to help suppurt the weight of it and it started growin back strong till cple days later when some strong winds got to it an must of loosend up the break an by time i got back to her the top was pretty much dead so un tapped it then stuck it in glass of water and is full of life again..

Will have pictures later on question is now that i have revived the top should i cut part of the stem on the plant that snapped and try again to get it to grow back onto the plant with some honey or something with a splint and more tape or just keep the top of her in the water an see if it will throw out some roots an try to grow it..


Well-Known Member
Thought id do bit of an update i would turn it into a journal but dunno how. Anyways got them all sorted an into the ground.

The ground was allot sandyer then i thought it was going to be in one spot i planned on using so found another spot which was rok solid so i went with 2.5×2.5ft holes an 3ft deep instead of digging 15 plus holes i went with 3 channels an layd cple inch of scoria in bottom of them, then mixed bout 20% of scoria threw my compost soil i had ready to go. Allot of rooting round but all is done an now time for the girls to strectch out an start doing some growing.

Before i transplanted i had a cple girls i was supercropping hard to get them to run across the ground. I went to do a bend/break on one and clean snapped the top 3 or 4 nodes of the top of the plant i grabd some electrical tape an wrapped the two halves bak together an used a stick an some ties to help suppurt the weight of it and it started growin back strong till cple days later when some strong winds got to it an must of loosend up the break an by time i got back to her the top was pretty much dead so un tapped it then stuck it in glass of water and is full of life again..

Will have pictures later on question is now that i have revived the top should i cut part of the stem on the plant that snapped and try again to get it to grow back onto the plant with some honey or something with a splint and more tape or just keep the top of her in the water an see if it will throw out some roots an try to grow it..
Sounds like a tough plant, recon I'd clone it myself, good luck with what you decide, j


Well-Known Member
Yeah pretty much sounds like a perfect excuse to learn how to clone and start yourself a little stealth indoor set up..


Well-Known Member
Yea thats what im leaning towards. This plant has had a hard life back wen it was cple weeks old still i lil seedling i left it out came back an found it laying on its side wind had snapped the main stem bout 20mm up from soil line so i grabbed 2 sticks an braced it. I thought back then it would die but it was still kicking.. week.or so later removed stiks and was standing again had bit of a kink at the bottom wich gave me the idea of trainin a cple to run across the ground..


Well-Known Member
Ive never tried cloning a mull plant only other thing ive done with reg plants is take cutting an throw it in the water which has work majority of the time.. Is it that easy with weed or not? As i dont got all the cloning gear to do it the right way..


Well-Known Member
I dunno man but if I were you and couldn't get cloning stuff I'd probably cut the big clone into smaller clones and stick each of them into a small amount of something as close as possible to seed raising mix, then cover them with something that simulates a humidity dome, like a clear or white plastic bag, or put them in a clear plastic bin with the lid cracked, then put that somewhere the direct sun won't hit them but they will get a nice amount of indirect light for as much of the day as possible. If you go into the 'Grow Journals' section of the site you'll see a green "post thread" button around the top right..


Well-Known Member
Oh boy, I thought you were a bit keen starting them that early..
Not sure what people usually do but if they were mine I'd just start topping the shit out of them like you say, to try and revert them and encourage them to do more growing. Hopefully they will notice the days still getting longer, and those 2 things, combined with all their new root space, will all make the plants revert. I'd just start training them as if they're gonna be back in veg by the end of next month and spend all of January vegging properly. If that does happen you'll have some monsters by April.
Just recognised that NPK formula you mentioned earlier, is it the green Seasol Powerfeed?