Femminizing seedlings w/ 24hrs lite for 12-14days


I had a friend tell me that by taking seedlings @3"tall and putting them under 24hr lights (600w min.) for 12-14days they will all turn female and show. Then put them under a normal veg cycle. Is this true?


Well-Known Member
No thats not right.They have to be on 12 hrs light 12 hrs dark to flower.Some strains will flower in 10 hrs darkness,but 12/12 is the rule.


Active Member
first of all: rules are for fools. second off, ive never heard of something like that working, but i have never tried specifically changing my light cycle to sex. give it a whirl, let us now how it goes.


Well-Known Member
first of all: rules are for fools. second off, ive never heard of something like that working, but i have never tried specifically changing my light cycle to sex. give it a whirl, let us now how it goes.
The spelling leaves no doubt you are a fool.Assuming a plant will flower in 24 hours of light is a sign of inexperience.Now we KNOW the caliber of you're immense idiocy :finger:


Well-Known Member
The spelling leaves no doubt you are a fool.Assuming a plant will flower in 24 hours of light is a sign of inexperience.Now we KNOW the caliber of you're immense idiocy :finger:

you seem to be the complete moron here, it's called auto flowering a plant starts to flower as soon as it comes out of the ground.. before you start calling names go look some stuff up do some growing then start putting others down. as to the other kid try it out i doubt it will change anything.
i think it will stunt them for a little bit since them being so young an new to light.. let my know how to goes! happy growing


Well-Known Member
I had a friend tell me that by taking seedlings @3"tall and putting them under 24hr lights (600w min.) for 12-14days they will all turn female and show. Then put them under a normal veg cycle. Is this true?
no i misread your question this will not work at all man sorry.


Active Member
The spelling leaves no doubt you are a fool.Assuming a plant will flower in 24 hours of light is a sign of inexperience.Now we KNOW the caliber of you're immense idiocy :finger:
sigh. saying that 12/12 is "the rule" for flowering is foolish, you already stated flowering can be achieved with 10 hours of darkness. not to mention he isn't trying to flower, he is trying to sex/feminize. like i said before, i have never heard of/seen anyone fem or sex by doing this specific experiment, and i doubt you can point to an exact replication of this and say it does not work. so again i say: try it. no need to nay-say a new experiment, you should think about being more supportive to people who are willing/want to try to do something new. these are the people that have improved growing techniques ten-fold. i'm glad you can regurgitate the most basic of concepts, at least you can get that much right, however it has nothing to do with his experiment. he's not asking about flowering, he's asking about feminizing. perhaps you should spend more time working on your comprehensive reading skills, and less time nit-picking spelling on an internet forum devoted to the growing of marijuana. (by the way, i am still unsure what i spelled incorrectly, if you'd like to shed some light i'd love to know where my command of the english language went awry). let me know if i need to explain myself further, i'm sure this block of text confused you to no end.

rules are for fools.



My understanding was that the intensity/duration of lite somehow stressed them into all becoming females? That almost magically no males/hermes are produced from the seeds. I had him re-state it so I knew what he was saying. I had never heard this. He was from NoCal and seemed to know a lot. He said that he knew growers that preferred this method over cloning as the process generated hardy plants.


Well-Known Member
the way to make fem seeds is this: (from what i've heard) take pollen from a hermie and pollenate a female. That's suppose to give you a 95-99% chance of fem seeds.


Active Member
Alot of growers keep their veg cycle at 24/0. It is not done to "force" a sex. It is done because they think it gives them more rapid growth.

Light can cause hermies in alot of strains, but forcing or encouraging females no.

If you go for it make sure you have the same number of plants that you do not try this with as a control. Still for it to be fact you would have to run it time and time again. The problem with what goes on here is there is no scientific method. Almost everything said is here say.

Best of luck.