Feminized Lowryder seeds???

Timmy the Toker

Well-Known Member
Is there such a thing as feminized lowryder seeds? if there are I'd like to know. Can anybody give me suggestions on a seed that grows fast and is relatively short like a lowryder that is feminized? when i mean short i mean at most 4 1/2 feet tall. Im to lazy to sift males out. I would like to pack 10 hermies in a good sized closet.



New Member
thats hard core... i hate hermies!!! that should be my username....

i've done mazar before, femmed, when it hermies it gets seeedy... mine hermied, it was seedy... sucked.. i got some feminized seeds from female seeds that was pretty good... but if you going to go the feminized rout you may wanta look into some stuff called Reverse by Dutch Master... it kills the male flowers, so they don't ever fully metchure.... so no polon flys... no seeds! :-)

i have a freind that used this stuff with some hermie seed with great results.....


yessrrrrr, go onto worldwidemarijuanaseeds.com and on the right hand side there is a massive colum of seeds to pick from, about half way down the list you'll see lowryder seeds, click on it and atleast 3 out of 6 strains of low's they have can be purchased feminized, you can also type in auto flowering in the search box on the top and many more auto flowering strains will come up, however many of these may not be able to be purchased feminized, personally i would just stick with the first option seeing how many have had great success with the lowryder 2's listen under that link half way down on the right hand side,

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