femanized seeds???


Well-Known Member
Somewhere on here is a journal by someone who is growing the wonder woman fem. strain. It got pretty good reviews.


Well-Known Member
a lot of folks seem to despise fem seeds and i'm not sure why.

i have a PPP fem seeds grow documented (first journal) and the current grow journal (both in sig) is regular Big Bud seeds and a fem PPP.

Now i guarantee someone is going to post something like - fem seeds are more prone to hermie.

Before anyone posts that - my current grow suffered severe heat stress and get this - BOTH Big Bud (regular seeds from bank - not fem) went hermie and the PPP fem did NOT! anecdotal statistically insignificant evidence, yes - but this is the complete opposite of what you'd expect from reading fellow posters fem seed opinions.

i have yet to get a male from a fem seed but i understand your chances are about 1 in 10 being male/hermie. not bad considering the alternative.

If you plan on breeding then fem seeds can have issues and obviously it would be better to just take clones from plants you like - fem seeds or not. But if you grow from seed (like I do) and do not breed - then fem seeds are a viable option. This is my opinion and experience.


Well-Known Member
Never had any trouble with my feminized Blueberry seeds. All germinated just fine, and even with some lower temperatures and higher humidity, never had any females go hermie. I agree with email468 that fem. seeds probably aren't the best for everybody, but I've had no problems with the feminized Dutch Passion seeds I've used. Peace.