Femanized seeds actually work?

I have had poor results with the expensive femanized seeds I've used. In fact the only one I ever got to sprout turned out male (looked robust and all but was 100% male). Are these more difficult to germ than other seeds? I've now gone through 8 seeds of AK-48 and Blue Mystic with only the male result above.

I use paper towel method. Generally I have not had great success except with badweed seeds doing this. Maybe the expensive seeds are more sensitive? Even the non-femanized seeds I get maybe a 30-40% germ rate.


Well-Known Member
uhhhmm yea??!?! They do indeed work.. that's why their called female seeds.

However, you will rarely get a 5 out of 5 female ratio. The reason being behind that.. is all kinds of variables. The grower, the plants environment, how the plants handled and cared for.. because even female seeds can go male on ya if they're stressed out too much.

But generally you'll get more female plants from buying a package of feminized beans.. than you would lets say if you were to purchase all regular seeds.

Nirvana and TGA are the only two I will order from.



Well-Known Member
and no.. female seeds are not "harder" to germinate than regular seeds.

they're the same thing technically.. but not. It's hard to explain.

Do some research my friend.. Google can do wonders!



Active Member
Just a tip, but try germinating this way.... (has worked with almost 100% success rate for me)

take a party cup, fill it about 1/3 with water
drop your seeds into the water, not cover it (seed should all float)
after about 8 hours go stir up the seed by swirling the water, some or may sink
after another 4 hours check the seeds, swirl the water...
If all seed have sank to the bottom, you can do 1 of 2 things
1. Remove seeds from water placing in damp paper towl and put in an enclosure, then place in a dark spot (if enclosure isnt completey dark, I used metal tins so its blacked out.
2. Leave seeds in water until you see them crack open (I do this with almost all my seeds) then once cracked open I place in damp paper towl and in container.

I then wait till root is about 1/4 inch long and plant, I place mine in rock wool, but no matter, I place no deeper than 1-2x the size of the seed.

I am not saying this method is perfect or the best, but it is the best I have done, like I said before almost 100% germination rate.

if this helps you or anyone, would appreciate some rep!


Well-Known Member
i have never had a feminized seed that wasn't a female. Never had one hermie either. I order from nirvana.
Just a tip, but try germinating this way.... (has worked with almost 100% success rate for me)
Thanks for the help! I think I am trying to do to much. I was putting them on a heating pad on low. It might not have been 100% dark (I covered but some light might have gotten in). And a couple times I added the tiniest bit of superthrive hoping to get them to root better.

In addition to the non germ, I get some that germ but it only produces like a 1/2" root which I put into rockwool in the seedling chamber. Then it does nothing at that point. It onl seems to work for me when the root is at least 1" long in the paper towel, then when I transplant to rockwool plug, it will grow.

Do you put them under light immediately when transplanting to rockwool plug?

I am using seeds from Nirvana. All have failed.

The non feminized seeds I got from 420-seeds.com. 30-40% of those germed.


Well-Known Member
if you are using nirvana, file a claim with the help desk. I bet they will make it right, they always have for me.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
I run a bunch of femmed seeds over the last 3 years or so......never had a full on male and have only had 1 herm.

Just research breeders a little before you make a decision and you'll be happy. Its time well invested.


Active Member
Do not put any nutes or additives to germination... seeds have everything they need to germinate except for water.

I do place under light as soon as I put them in rock wool.


Active Member
Weird...I too have germinated ALOT of feminized seeds with 100% results. Agree: no Superthrive. Also...I use papertowel method and plant them at various stages as soon as I see them crack. I set the papertowel/germinating container on top of my heater for warmth from pilot light only...the container I use is a clear tupperware - so light shouldn't be an issue?

I agree you may be over thinking it - easy to do when you're excited about new seeds.

Good Luck
Do not put any nutes or additives to germination... seeds have everything they need to germinate except for water.

I do place under light as soon as I put them in rock wool.

I have kind of notied that, the simplest times where I just ran some water right out of the sink into the container and put in seeds were the most successful. Should the water be ph'd to 5.9 or whatever? And when I put in rockwool I put so the seed is on top (outside), with the whole root inside if I can get it to stay that way. I do not put the seed itself inside the rockwool. Should that be below the surface?


Active Member
I am 24/24 with fem'd seeds. The majority from greenhouse seeds, nirvana and diadem. I had one plant that showed one seed and I yanked it but it has since been going outdoors at a buddies and she seems to be doing fine as well. My AK-48's actually seem to be the easiest to clone but i've had 100% success rate with roots so far and only 2 that wouldn't grow out of 30~. I take the cutting, use clonex rooting gel, right into rapid rooter plugs into a cloning tray on a heated mat under cfl.. works every time it seems.. Best of luck!