Femanized C99 CFL


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, this will be my 3rd grow ever but its been a while and ive been debating on even posting on it. I wanted to keep things very small and simple, I used a DWC setup in the past with HPS and CFL.

This time things are being kept small and isolated to a single cabinet. I already started out on this 3 weeks ago and one week ago I made an attempt to FIM my girl but I think I may have messed up (never tried to FIM before or any sort of training for that mater).

As of a week ago i've noticed that the larger fan leaves have begun to develop small brown striations in them and at this point the lower ones are beginning to get crunchy on the edges. I did some reading and I THINK it is a calcium deficiency (not sure though, and it would be great if someone could help me out with that), I don't have any dolomite lime available to me at the moment but I do have a package of this rockwool soak which contains calcium (ill include a picture). I added about a tablespoon of it to about 3 cups of water and watered my girl with that yesterday.

My setup currently has a 45 watt CFL in the 6500K spectrum and I will be adding another today, the bulb should be putting out 2800 Lumens and with two, 5600 Lumens. I also have a large computer fan setup to constantly blow on the plant. IN the first two weeks of growing I replanted twice due to stretching (seems to have been extremely successful)

Also as of yesterday I tied the plant down with twine to spread out the leaves to try and help more light get into the deeper foliage. My original goal was to get a plant that would grow like this.


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