Female Hermie turned feminized????


Well-Known Member
ok i was reading somewhere i cant rember that when a female turns hermie and pollinates its self thats how feminized seeds are made is this tru???


Well-Known Member
I read asprin on another forum. Figure it like this, would you ruin a crop risking a seed from a hermed mother? genetics change in plants.


Well-Known Member
hellz no but im juss sayin does it really work or no cuz ill do that n juss grow feminized for a while than turn one hermie again and keep growin like that


Well-Known Member
That is how its supposed to happen only females that are forced into pollinating , some say have a Higher chance of turning Hermie rather than being for sure females.


Well-Known Member
A feminized seed does not mean that plant will be 100% female.
To produce a feminized seed you stress a heathy female plant into a hermie, take the pollen from that female and pollenate a different heathy female. And that female will produce feminized seeds. Under perfect growing conditions those seeds should turn out between 95% to 100% female. If feminized seeds are stressed in any way, for example topping, nute burn, excessive temperatures, light stress, spider mites, ect. the percentages drop significally, you could end up with 20% to 40% hermies.


Well-Known Member
i thought hermies came from stress
and i heard a theory that a female plant pollinating a female
can only produce females
dont take my word for it though just my 2cents


Well-Known Member
yeah thats what everyone is sayin riceweed... lol but wtf LIGHT STRESS IMO i never seen a plant under light stress i dont even think there such a thing as that


Well-Known Member
A feminized seed does not mean that plant will be 100% female.
To produce a feminized seed you stress a heathy female plant into a hermie, take the pollen from that female and pollenate a different heathy female. And that female will produce feminized seeds. Under perfect growing conditions those seeds should turn out between 95% to 100% female. If feminized seeds are stressed in any way, for example topping, nute burn, excessive temperatures, light stress, spider mites, ect. the percentages drop significally, you could end up with 20% to 40% hermies.
that's not true. if the plant is originally a healthy female then it does not carry the chromosome dominance to become a Hermie. the reason it becomes a Hermie is because it is stressed from and outside factor IE corrodoral silver(sp).

if you get a hermie in your garden thats because it had the geene to become one and there would have been nothing to do to prevent it. remember plant sex is determined in the seed being formed in the ovule of the flower. outside factors can not infulence sex.

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
If you want to intentionally herm a plant for fem seed generation. When you start 12/12 on a female clone set the light to 12 on, 5 1/2 off, 1 on, then 5 1/2 off again. This will stress the female to herm out then cross the pollen generated with a full female plant to get the fem seeds.