Feelings caused by certain song?

:joint:I am wondering if any of you have had experienced feelings caused by a certain song. a song that reminded you of a certain time or place where you heard it. A time when you were younger, yesterday or last year. The feeling I get causes great euphoria while im medicated. I wanted to know if any of you have experienced these feelings.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i often hear music that gets me real happy or sad.... mostly i reminisce about the past and get sad about things i wish i could change....
Time of Your Life is my memorable songs forever. Whenever I listen this song, I so miss my college days and friends. I know that All are awe about this song. Other one Friends Forever is also mine favorites songs. They both songs remind me, My sweet moments which I have shared with my friends.


Well-Known Member


The party's over
A CD skipping
It's the same hook repeating
Grows more grating with each passing second...

And the walls contain a resonation, laughter, and conversation.
It was fun while it lasted, but now we should be going.
I hope everybody had a real, real good time
The hospitality's partaken, my head is flying my heart's racing to keep up.
And I hope I haven't overdone it nooo...
I hope my body can take it. I hope I make the occasion.
It's only this fucked up.
I start realizing all this living is just dying
and if these are my friends, if this is my home,
if this is how i spend my nights, how I communicate, and demonstrate a love of life.
My eyes roll into the back of my head, if these are the last words that I've ever said
No I'm not ready to die just yet.