Feeding time?


hi i was just wondering what time of day is best to water and feed yer plants?
Just after lights come on.
Half way through the light cycle
Or when the lights go out ?
Just a random thought that i would like an opinion on


Well-Known Member
i personally feed as soon as lights come on.

always have probably always will unless i go hydro in the future.



Well-Known Member
my lights pop on at 7:30am so i go down whenever i wake up, usually 8:30 or 9:00. i go downstairs feel how light the pots are and feed which ever ones need it. it's best to water when the lights come on so they can take in the nutrients the whole day but i'm rarely up that early. do not feed at night.


Active Member
The ideal time is at dawn (their dawn) where the plants can fully utilize those nutrients in the upcoming days' light cycle. The soil is also the coolest (temp) and readily able to absorb the water without too much being lost to heat evaporation. If you keep your plants sufficiently hydrated and not wanting for anything, I am not sure I have noticed a major difference doing it later in the day.