Feeding Plants Pure Green Tea & Molasses???


Hello my name is ______ and i for som reason like experimenting with plants and for the last week i have been feeding my plants:
80% water
15% pure Japanese green tea (no sugar or perservs.)
5% molasses

my plants are doing just fine and seem to be loving the mix.

and i have another plant getting the same organic food but i took som miracle grow spikes and crushed them into powder, then mixed it in the soil.

this plant is also growing fine.

I'm posting this thread because i wanna kno if anyone out there has had any experience in using pure green tea when feeding their babies? and if so did it make the plant better or worse??

also can i get som feedback please? even if u feel like i dont know what im doing. thanks


Active Member
cool idea... i like thinkin out side the box, ive never done this but would like to try it if it works


thanks man i really appreciate that and ill post som pics lata on gota be to skool in a hour.

i need people out there willing to experiment with me. To c who can be the first person to grow a plant with 50-55% thc. Wouldnt that be just the shit!!!


Active Member
hell yeah it would... we might have the first ever THC overdose...lol... i would love to be the test dummy


Active Member
What is in the tea that you think will be beneficial to the plant? A plant needs a well balanced fertilizer with micro nutrients for good growth. What is the plant using from the tea that is contributing to better growth?


Well-Known Member
What is in the tea that you think will be beneficial to the plant? A plant needs a well balanced fertilizer with micro nutrients for good growth. What is the plant using from the tea that is contributing to better growth?

I've been doing organic gardening for many years and have never heard of green tea being used with plants of any type. People, yes, I drink a good bit myself.

I doubt that it would have any benefit to plants, otherwise someone in the organic gardening community would have mentioned it years ago. Neither it or organic growing is new. Probably won't hurt anything, but neither will it help.

You want something green that WILL help, bubble up a batch of alfalfa meal and molasses. You will see results within 5 days.

Green tea for you, alfalfa tea for your plants.




I've been doing organic gardening for many years and have never heard of green tea being used with plants of any type. People, yes, I drink a good bit myself.

I doubt that it would have any benefit to plants, otherwise someone in the organic gardening community would have mentioned it years ago. Neither it or organic growing is new. Probably won't hurt anything, but neither will it help.

You want something green that WILL help, bubble up a batch of alfalfa meal and molasses. You will see results within 5 days.

Green tea for you, alfalfa tea for your plants.

wat is that? u uploaded som pic of your plants feed with that stuff???


Well-Known Member
I don't do pics, nor am I going to re type pages of info on alfalfa tea.

Simply go to the organics section and use alfalfa or alfalfa tea as a keyword in the search. You'll have hours of reading about alfalfa tea.

Using alfalfa meal as a soil amendment or alfalfa tea as a growth booster has been around for many, many years. Do some research.
