It's pretty obvious the feds are a group of private bankers that are destroying the dollar. We need to get rid of them, but the powers that be will kill ... remember Kennedy? ... to keep the fed in power. I saw a video ... can't recall where of Greenspan stating that the fed was above the law. If I run into it again I will post it.
It's kind of funny that you mention Kennedy, but the problem with the catch all phrase The Powers That Be, is that there was a lot of powers that Kennedy pissed off.
The Fed (Executive Order requiring restoration of Gold or that the Government Print Money)
The Mafia
Russia (How much Loss of Face did they suffer when he forced them to back down in Cuba?)
Cuba (Bay of Pigs)
and others. Unless you know for sure who killed Kennedy (that is who gave the orders, not who pulled the trigger) then you can't really be sure just who was behind it. Maybe it was the banksters and the mafia, or maybe it was the communists. Or maybe it was some anti-war hippie group that just happened to be out of their minds and some how managed to find a guy, who knew a guy who knew Oswald...
Unfortunately, Jack Ruby kind of eliminated any chance of getting the important questions answered, but so few people think about the fact that the Kennedy assassination was actually a double assassination, with Kennedy going first and Oswald second.