Fatter buds! Help me i dont know what im not doing right!



  • I have been growing for about 5 years on and off indoors mainly and have never run CO2. I currently have a 10x10 Secret Jardin grow Tent iwth Four 1000w HPS under Magnum 8XXL hoods. This tent is where I flower my girls(Black Berry Soda) in Roots 707 mix in 7gallon Geo pots. I use all House And Garden Nutes COCOS A/B etc... I have had good success and harvests, just not great. This grow some of my plants with in the last week have massive amount of leaf curl and yellowing leaves. Its weird its only on about four of the 27. Im guessing these ones got over watered and now are nutrient burnt and locked up. I Veg for 3 weeks and FIM top once before flowering. I generally get 1pd per light with 9 plants under each light. The room is exhausted by two 8in can fans and one 8in intake blowing in 60 degree air.Temps during the night(which is actually during the day) is around 70 degrees, and at night the temp sits right around 75 degrees. Should their be a bigger temperature change from day to night? Humidity levels stay at 40% in my flowering room. I never get the huge nice colas always nice 7-10in long colas but never more than a couple inches in diameter wet and dried even smaller. I'
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      • ve tried various strains and never seem to get them to swell up. Everyone is telling me I need to run CO2 so here I am needed help with the setup. Ive had 10 different suggestions on how to do it. I want the easiest low maintenance setup you guys can come up with. Or any other suggestions. Im on day 47 of flower right now Ill put up some pics tonight when the lights go on. Please HELP ME!!​

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Well-Known Member
Temps may have a lot to do with your results. You want at least a 10 degree difference between night/day, preferably 15 degrees and the night temperature has to be lower than the day temp. Uncle ben has a good thread that he did from his experience in how to have the most successful harvests. His explanation from what he has seen himself was that the 15 degree drop changes the way that the plant grows and makes itself elongate during that time leading to more growth and healthier growth. I myself have seen larger harvests from colder night temps as well. I dont think its just a coincidence that your plants are stressing. Naturally the plant expects colder weather as it matures.

- The best DIY CO2 I can think of is yours truly, yeast sugar and water in a container. Or you can sit there breathing on them in awe all the time.


Well-Known Member
I just switched from House and Garden over to DynaGro. Using 9-3-6 for veg. 7-9-5 for flower.
I'm seeing healthier leaves and bigger buds with the DynaGro. I'm finishing up my first grow right now. I can see it is going to be my best harvest yet. With this plant I've been growing for a while now... Was getting 3.2 oz per plant with HnG. These plants with Dynagro are looking like 1/4 lb plants. The colas are not much bigger than with HnG, but all of the buds from the side branches are way bigger than in the past.
Give it a try. It's cheaper too.

Another thing that bumped up my harvests in the past was bringing fresh air in from outdoors. It makes a big difference from pulling air from another room of the house. But, your humidity can be all over the place... if you grow mold resistant strains it is not a problem. It's a deal maker/breaker in this garden. Any sign of PM at all and the plant is not kept around as a mother plant.

The biggest thing about yield, imo, is genetics.


Well-Known Member
If you on day 47 it's a little to late for c02. How long is your flowering time for those plants. 56 days is 8 weeks, if you have a 8 week strain you have only 9 days left.


I noticed the yellow leaves, I dont know if its from nute burn or watering leaves while light is on, or maybe some burn from refelected light, increasing amounts of fertilizer does not give bigger buds, big buds come from genetics and healthy grow conditions, I doubt CO will do anything at this stage


Well-Known Member
the best way to make co2 is to get into making beer, cider or wine and take the air pipe from your fermentation tank and run a pipe to your grow and put that some kind of device that makes it bubble trough water before entering the air

Also if your somewhere that lets you distill you could get a nice corn mash going and make some yummy corn whiskey

Other wise more air flow in and out of the tent will help if don`t have lot`s of extraction

I remember reading a long time ago that during veg it`s best to keep the day and night temp as close as you can but night should be slightly colder and that colour and development of bud can be helped by the night temp being 10c colder then your day temp, I also find that the odd day of extra light around the last few weeks of flowering help`s and that when you put the extra lights in the heat go`s up a tad and gets you a bigger difference in day and night temps too.

I find extra uv helps thc production and ok this might sound a bit crazy but a 10hz magnetic field promotes plant growth in a lot of plants also sound can promote growth so I use them high frequency bug repellents that make an alternating high pitched sound and also emit a magnetic field the one i use emits an alternating magnetic field. If nothing else it keeps the bugs out of my tent I doubt that would help yield at this point but might be worth investing in a few as they are dirt cheap anyway.


Well-Known Member
you state you over-watered and over-fed. every time we stress our plants, that's less bud in the jar. imo. don't do these things, and then see yields improve.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah there is a product I'm testing called Calcarb by Xtreme Gardening. It's suppose to triple the plants c02 intake by spraying under the leaves once a week. I've been using it for 3 weeks now and the plants love it. but like I said you're too far into flower now maybe next run you can try it. I'm even using it on the plants I'm vegging.


Well-Known Member
Calcarb huh ? sounds like something I might look into is it on sale yet ?

Also I was thinking as I work nights and normally get home late I like my lights to be off by around 3 or 4am as I normally have my veg going 20/4 and my flower 12/12 sometimes I try to get away with 14/12 or 16/12 but normally end up giving in and going 12/12 for flower anyway

When doing 12/12 I never deliberately aim for my lights to be on at night, but now that seams silly, I mean my power is at a cheaper rate at night and co2 levels go up by around 1/3 at night so why oh why would anyone growing inside have their lights on during the day ?

I`m making sure that my lights are on as much as they can be when its dark now and I never would have thought of that if I was not trying to think of a really easy way to get co2 levels up during lights on time.


Well-Known Member
Are you also using the drip clean from house n garden? That's ment to allow your plants to take in all those nutes without locking up. That's why they advice using it with every feeding, not only that but it allows you to have a 3-5 day flush instead of 10-14 day flush with some others.
When I switched to h & g my buddy told me it doesn't work the greatest unless you users entire line up, besides the foilar spray, cause I use something else already. Which so far looks like it.


SO I know its too late for Co2 but I have some veg plants that are ready to flip. I was told it was a 8 week strain. I have been looking at the trichomes with my scope and they are all still clearish cloudy none have turned amber. Im going to try this next run to have the lights on during the day but the temps seem to get to 80-85 during hot days above 85 outside. WHat is the best way to cool a grow tent? What a/c unit or whatever should I use here? My friend is growing the same strain and he gets about 2-2.5 a 1000w light. He is running 18 plants under a light i only run 9 and he vegs for and extra two weeks, he also has co2. same nutes though.


Well-Known Member
85f whats that in c about 29c ? that`s not too hot your getting there I`d have fans on the plants but I find most strains will take up to 32c I mean I know people that grow in Cape Town and places on the costa del sol in spain that have plants that can take temps over 40c for a few days

Run your lights at night then you can just pump in cool air from outside or run aircon

Here`s a handy trick don`t keep your aircon in your grow room or tent if you can keep it next door and pipe the cold air into your grow room next to a fan to spread it around then you won`t have all the heat that the aircon generates in your grow have you ever felt an aircon unit while its running ? They get pretty warm also you`ll have space for another plant or 2.

Near the end of flower you want to get as much extra intense red spectrum light as you can on your buds maybe this sounds silly but I use cfl`s and pick the buds I want to ripen up I find a 2700k cfl that`s almost touching a bud will crystal it up in a day, also it gets slightly higher temps that day so that night when it`s cool its builds more crystal and colour.

Its a great way if you have a plant that has many buds that are ready to start flushing but some that have not gone amber at all, something about the 1 day of super intensity makes your plant go into oh no the sun`s going away mode for the next few days after too.

Also when it`s time to crop do you leave your lights off for 3 days without cutting your plants ? That can really build up colour and smell also it forces the plant to pull the last few nutes it has stored up and put them into bud development.