Fastberry Auto--- Fastbuds


Active Member
Almost at the end of this grow and boy is she just puuuurtttyy. Stoked I have 3 more seeds to grow and play with. Smells like those scratch and sniff berry stickers you got in grade school. She's fattening up like a Thanksgiving turkey and I can't wait to taste. Working on my LST (she's my first try) hopefully the next time I can double the colas. Pics are from start to alllllllmmmmmosttttt finished.



Active Member
YES!! Perfect little home for a seed. You have to give the eggshell a 220-degree oven for 22 mins before you use it though. Keep it sanitary and gets the shell ready for the calcium to provide some nuts to the seedling. You just gently grab and crunch the shell then gently remove the bottom of the eggshell before you plop it into its final home. No transplant shock either.