Fans and Dry Ice CO2 in a greenhouse


[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]So i have fans constantly blowing in my greenhouse. 2 of them, one thats a constant back and forth and one that comes on at various intervals during the day, mainly when its hotter mid afternoon.

I really want to try using dry ice as a CO2 supplementation but worry if i have it over the plants cascading the gas over the plants that the fans will just blow it away. Is it feasible to attach my dry ice container to the back of my oscillating fan so as it releases gases the fan will blow it over the plants?


Well-Known Member
a small compost pile inside ur greenhouse would release plenty of co2 and sum think it may release to much but with ur fans it would be ideal i think. composting material release's natural co2.


Active Member
Could use propane flame ... or a few ...
Compost pile is a better idea, but watch out of bugs getting into it.


Well-Known Member
Could use propane flame ... or a few ...
Compost pile is a better idea, but watch out of bugs getting into it.
yes good point HTP, for the compost pile try to avoid natural sugary stuff like fruits, just a basic manure/grass/leaf compost will do fine and most bugs dont fancy it, and no it wont stink.


Active Member
Any thin I throw in my compost pile anymore brings in bugs. If not mice. Now I just throw paper and cardboard in it and I put a electric fence around it on the ground to keep mice out.


Nice, thank you everyone, but is my idea viable? would the plants benefit from the CO2 being blown over it? and how fast do the plants absorb the CO2?


Active Member
They will but, you need to keep the co2 higher all the time. Not just a few minutes a day. Or even an hour a day. It needs to be up higher all the them. 1,200 - 1,500 ppm.


Well-Known Member
fruit fly larva tear up a compost pile in a good way , just throw in nanner peelings BAM ! the larva is on peelings naturally theyre on there when u getem from the store .sry got off topic ,


does any one know how fast the plants absorb the CO2? Is it immediate like our lungs when we smoke? or does it take a while to soak in?


Active Member
It starts using it immediately but it needs to keep constant for it to any good.... Or at least constant for 15-20min intervals each hour... Seems like a lotta dry ice and effort for this when you can properly ventilate the greenhouse and pull fat buds. CO2 is more or less for places you can't bring in fresh air and a greenhouse its easy to bring it in.... But if your hard up about doin this then i would say put a can above each plant thats big enough to hold the dry ice and then add your warm water and let it shower your plants with all intakes off and your greenhouse as sealed as possible and maybe a few small fans under the plants to circulate the gas once its hit the floor. Be careful not to blow dirt into your buds when they flower though. Like i said sounds like a lot of effort when you can bring in fresh air.