
Miss Greenthumb

Active Member
i just bought a 4" carbon filter and a 25W fan. my grow space is 1.5' by 8' to the cieling (closet size). my babies are about an inch tall. when should i start with the carbon filter and the fan (heat doesn't seem to be an issue yet - thermo reads 78 degrees, humid 52%).



New Member
use the fan always from the get go when the lights are on or off(to strenthen stems) you will only need a carbon filter for smell right?????.
if so then when you switch to 12/12 they start to smell after a dew days.flower at 9"tall and get temps to 74 day and 68 night.
good luck.


Well-Known Member
Nooby here...... Dont waist ur carbon filter yet like luda said. When u flower then u will need it. Im at three weeks right know and all i have done is use ro water with ph 5.8-6.0 and flouro lights 24/7 with 6" fan on 24/7 too. All u have to do is water once or every other day.. Keep the heat between 75-85
hope this helps good luck


New Member
Use a moisture meter for your soil(a must).
74 degrees day and 68 night is perfect.
Vent as much as possible and keep fan on 20/4 or 24/7 like me.
Theres nothing better than falling asleep to the noise and blast of a big fan in your face.


Well-Known Member
good environment going down in ya grow space;)
good humidity too.
as everyone else said no reason waste good carbon for veg:).
good luck too u.

ps luda what up with the album? cant keep me waiting;)