fan leaves


Just wanted a little advice on. .if I pull off some fan leaves off around the nuggets in my 7th week flower...just so the light pentrates the plant properly. that gonna affect talking about the fan leaves around da buds....


Well-Known Member
It's called defoliation and it is considered a bad practice by seasoned growers. Leaves, not budsites are responsible for carbohydrate production. You will get many newbies who buy the circular hype/logic that removing the very organs that gather photons (light), exchange CO2 for O2, control respiration (water uptake and release) and internal temperature is somehow helpful. It is simply BS. Good Luck, leave your leafs on unless they are diseased or completely yellow, and Happy Growing. :weed:


Well-Known Member
^^ Agree with CD above. I tuck em if they really get in the way. There's usually no need to trim or cut them. If you have to remove a couple fan leaves, the plant won't die. But as stated, these are solar collectors for your plant. The energy they collect helps your plant's buds grow and swell. So leave them alone, if at all possible.

Good luck with your grow :peace:


Well-Known Member
Here's a great trick I learned, TUCKING fan leaves. As my plants grow cutting fan leaves are a last resort!!!! These leaves feed valuable nutrients during the final weeks and yellow. When the plants get bushier, I twist, turn and tuck those fan leaves in every direction to allow better light penetration. The only leaves I pull off are the few that brown or die naturally.