Fan leaves...i know... but i need to ask!! plz help!!


Active Member

I have a friend growing a Citral indica strain in a Drip Bucket all is going very well, but it has come to the point now where it is too bushy (to our knowledge) it has so many leaves you cannot even see the stalk of the plant or nodes or anything beyond the surface of fan leaves and 1-3 tops, and now the Buds are just starting to develop, Just to clarify..i have never seen a plant this bushy with huge fans leaves before.

I am wondering if it is ok to take off the really big fans leaves that are blocking light for the Citral and two surrounding plants..maybe a few to help more light get to areas that are not receiving enough (IMO)? There will still be tons of leaves left...and i mean tons to create food for the plant, but i am afraid if i do this at week 2 of flower it will cause damage i will not be able to resolve.

I have been told that it is ok to remove them as the leaves use energy that the bud development can use, i disagree with this as i know they are used for food and growth which = yield, but due to the amount of leaves i am thinking it may be a good idea.

Anyways any help is appreciated but i need to know if it is ok to take these fan leaves off one time and then move forward...i wish i could upload a pic but unfortunately i cannot but take my word for it there are easily a hundred or more fan leaves on this sexy bitch.


Active Member
Wow simple question going unanswered, seems like no one on this site helps much 2nd post ive made and no response to either.


Krayven Sumhead

Well-Known Member
I trimmed off most of the fan leaves that were blocking light penetration to the lower branches. Now the lower branches are beginning to show faster growth. It's just a weed. I used to do this even back in the day, when I grew outside.