Fan leaves dying, unhealthy plant or time to harvest? PICS


Well within the last week or so the fan leaves on my plant have started to turn colour and some are totally dying. I've read that this is fairly common during late flowering, but my plant has always looked super healthy until now. Could this be over-fert or something? Is it ready to harvest?

Also.. can anyone roughly tell me how long my girl has left? The buds on the top are looking almost ready, but the ones lower down look weeks off?

last pic is a pic of one of the lower down budsites



Active Member
It looks like your plants are getting pretty close to being finished. You mite have another week but really its kinda hard to tell with out being able to see the tricomes. Get your self a 30x pocket microscope (Ebay $8) so you can get in good and close to see your trics. to see whether there changing over to their amber color or not. Yes your correct your leaves should start to yellow and fall off as part of its normal life cycle, usually mine start at the bottom yellowing and work there way up. From your pics your top fan leaves do look like they mite be a little over nute'd or ph is a little off, I maybe wrong about this since this maybe just the way your leaves are looking because of them dieing. What kind of nutes are you using and how often? Really since your probably pretty close to harvest, I wouldnt feed them anymore nutes and id just flush them out for the next week, week in ahalf.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
MJ is an annual, it's life span is one season, seed to seed. We disrupt this cycle using artifical lighting and removing all males. This does not change the fact that these plants grow and die.

At the end they are ugly compared to the lush bushes we saw during veg.

Yours look completly normal. Give em a couple more weeks.


been giving her 1 ml/l of biobizz grow and 4ml/l of bloom for the past few weeks now every water and using biobizz allmix soil.

last time I watered with no nutes. gonna flush until done I think.

you guys seen the leaf in the corner of pic 5 yeah? thats the one that kinda freaked me out. totally dried up and dead.

I had said to myself in my head about 10 days to 2 weeks so I guess I'll see how it goes in a week