Fan Leaf Trimming


I'm growing with a sea-of-green setup in 3 gallon pots, so each plants has 1 sq. ft of space. This space remains the same through veg and flowering.

After 2 weeks of veg, the plants are beginning to touch each other, and airflow is lessening near the soil. I believe I need to prune soon, but I've gotten varying info about whether to trim the healthy fan leaves down low. I've seen and heard of some people trimming everything off the lower half of the plant, while others keep all healthy fan leaves and only trim the suckers.

All vegetation is extremely healthy at this point, but I think some trimming is required to maintain optimal airflow. Light is aplenty, with (3) 1000W MHs shining on a plot of 60. I'm trying to strike the right balance between optimizing growth and growing conditions, and minimizing stress. Any thoughts on what branches should be trimmed?

Attached are pictures of the whole plot and a single plant which is representative of many others.



Well-Known Member
You are much better off bending your plants rather than cutting off fan leaves. If you know what fan leaves do, then this question does not need to be asked.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Well that wasn't a very nice reply to your very first post, nor was it correct. I do the 1 plant per sq ft as well. Yes you should start stripping the bottem. Maybe a node or two a week untill, by the end of the 3rd week of flower your left with the bottom half of the plant bare. Of course its strain dependent somewhat but with 1 plant per sq ft, it doesnt leave room for much more than a big fat cola.

Your plants are healthy and very full and won't miss the foiliage that you will be taking off and will in fact benefit

Good luck
Hello everyone. First time med-grower from the great state of Colorado here. Wondering if there is a certain "technique" in trimming bottom leaves as far as angles, closeness to the main root etc...... Thanks for any input from anyone.


Well-Known Member
I would wait for flower before i would take anything off, when in flower u will see what is what.... & what you can & can not use in a SOG canopy.