FAN+Intake 24/7???? need help


Ok my setup is almost ready i will post pics as soon as the ladies start looking good, i have a question

Do you guyz leave the Fans in the room and the intake fan for fresh air on 24/7???? or only when lights are on?? i have 4x1000 connected
to 4 sunlight reflectors with 6'' piping to a can fan so it sucks the hot air from the lamps into carbon filter so the air goes out only when lights are on so should fans and air acc be on only when lights on or they have to be runing 24/7?????

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
I turn everything off apart from a small intake fan,

You grow sounds big unlike mine so things may have to be done differently, all you want is the right temp.

I think your just have to do some testing.


Man o' the green

Active Member
The main reason for using high-volume air flow is to pull the heat out of the area, but it also keeps the CO2 concentration stable, and humidity low for better cellular respiration and prevents mold. CO2 is not required for growth when the lights are off, so this is not a consideration. A supplemental fan should stay on constantly to move air around the room. As long as you don't find any humidity problems like mold, I'd shut the exhaust fans down to save $.


Well-Known Member
whenever my lights go out on my timer, everything goes out, all my fans and everything, and i been through more then a few crop cycles and everything has worked out fine with no problems.
i woulen`t worry a bit dude.


^^^likewise....when my lights turn do my fans.
however, my babies started to smell quite a bit so i have an oscilating fan in there ON most of the time now with a carbon filter for the smell. lights 18/6
carbonfan is about 20/4 or so...goodluck man