Fan and reflection a must?


Ive seen grow areas in cabinets and such and they have no kind of incilation or fans but the plant grows fine?. Do you have to have fans in a a grow area in cabinet or incilation for reflection or are they optional?


Well-Known Member
reflection is optional. Air is not. They have to breath like us. They need fresh air. There is no debateing that one.


Well-Known Member
You could prob get away with out having both but you will also be taking away your final product because:
1.Like the poster above said plants need to breath, they need both circulating fresh air and cooler temps that the fan provides, also helps the stems gain some strength with the air moving around
2.If you have reflective material you will be utilizing more than your lights source will have to offer on its own

Simply painting the walls of your grow area white will help reflect some of the light around.


Active Member
both of these will help big time. without a relfector you're losing about half your light. and a fan will benefit you in a lot of ways. fresh air as the above posters said and the stronger stem and root system will make sure you're plant can support the weight of the a fat sticky bud when it's time. I bought a desk fan for $3 and it did the trick. in the end it's all worth the money

Active Member
Not to be crazy here but you answered your own question in the question. If other people are doing it and it works then, well, it works. :-)

Things don't have to be complicated and complex. Plants need air, food, water, co2 etc., all within in certain ranges. If the plant is getting what in needs in the proper amounts then it's all good.

If the 'cabinets and such' provides the right conditions then everything else is optional (yes, even reflection is optional, not required).

The only things that are a must is when plant needs are not within proper ranges (even then it's not a real 'must'...your plants just won't grow as optimally as they could).


Well-Known Member
If you just want to give the plants the minimum that they require to flower, you can go minimalist. If you want fast growth and higher yields, plan on providing near-violent air movement, strong lighting, and the best reflection you can afford.


Active Member
reflection - it is used so that u get the most out of your lights . the light dispurts from the bulb in a radios , so all the parts of the
bulb that isnt directed to the plant would be a waste . so we use reflectors to redirect that light to the plant.
reflecting walls , are as well with the same purpose , all the light that shoots to the wall would be a waste , so we use the walls to reflect the light
into the lower bits of the plant , so the whole plant can get some light .

fans - fan does have 3 uses .
a) circulate the air - air is a mush for the plant , and fresh air should be available
b) cool down the plant , lights , what ever. no explinations is needed here
c) blow air on the plant , movement of the fan leaves / plant will simulate the wind at the outdoors , and thus make the plant more strong
and the stem thicker . a thick stem can help produce bigger and thicker buds , also more alternate branches and fan leaves.

so basicly , reflecotrs not must , air is a must .