Falling Branches


New Member
So I am in the 8th week of flower for this Blueberry bush and it looks more like a vine than a bush. It's got lots of good flower, but starting about a month ago, the branches just started drooping and now they just lay on the floor. I took it out of the tent for these pics, and I'm harvesting soon, so it's not an emergency, but this is the first time I've ever had this problem with a plant. I wish I could say it was just from the weight of the buds, but this baby's parent had just as big buds, but was able to stand up.

More details: It drank a LOT during flower. As in I needed to water it every day. The next day it would be light as a feather again. I also had what I think is a potassium deficiency in its siblings, so I starting pumping them all with FloraBloom the last month or so.

The leaves and flowers look healthy, so I can't tell if this is even a problem, much less what the problem could be. Any insight would be helpful.



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  • FallenBud.jpg
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So it was rootbound in a tiny ass pot and now you can’t believe it’s not growing out into a huge plant? Transplant as often as needed and upgrade your lighting if you are not happy with the size of your bud. Having to overwater to keep from drooping is the first indicator that the roots need room to grow.
Why didn't you at least stake it up with something so the bud wasn't sitting on the floor in dirt, lint, and who knows what else? Now you have crud in your bud. A few bamboo stakes would have prevented that.
