Factors which promote female plants in early veg.


Recently, I learned such factors as humidity, higher nitrogen, and low temps can up your female ratio. I have wondered, and my question to the more experienced wb, do you think that the presence of a sexually mature male could encourage more females to develop from seed?


Active Member
Never heard of that one before. Not saying it couldn't be true...just that I doubt it. I would love to hear others response to this though. Always looking for ways to entice the ladies!


Active Member
chromozomes from the parent plants determine the sex of a plant, not external factors... if external factors influenced the sex of a plant, then you would see some feminized seeds turning out to be male a lot.


Well-Known Member
chromozomes from the parent plants determine the sex of a plant, not external factors... if external factors influenced the sex of a plant, then you would see some feminized seeds turning out to be male a lot.
"The Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics agrees the sexual differentiation of cannabis is strongly influenced by environmental factors such as temperature and photoperiod."

There is a how to guide on how to optimize your environment for more females.


Active Member
"The Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics agrees the sexual differentiation of cannabis is strongly influenced by environmental factors such as temperature and photoperiod."

There is a how to guide on how to optimize your environment for more females.
so if i take feminized seeds and treat them the opposite of the way you treat the seeds to get more females, will i then be able to produce male seedlings from the feminized seed? If this is true then there should be no such thing as a "clone only" strain in existance. Breeders would simply self pollinate the clone and then use environmental conditions to produce some males from the resulting seed...


Well-Known Member
so if i take feminized seeds and treat them the opposite of the way you treat the seeds to get more females, will i then be able to produce male seedlings from the feminized seed? If this is true then there should be no such thing as a "clone only" strain in existance. Breeders would simply self pollinate the clone and then use environmental conditions to produce some males from the resulting seed...
'Home grower vs professional biologists'

There is no argument there, only ignorance on your part.

Re read the article.

"Feminized cannabis seeds work on the bases that there is a genetic predisposition for the plant to produce females because of special treatment that it gets in the selfing stages of a unique XX female. I won’t go into this in detail here because there is enough information on the process across the entire internet. Anyhow, in an optimal growing environment it is very easy to produce ALL females from these treated female marijuana plants. OPTIMAL is the key word here because in less than optimal marijuana growing conditions strange things start to happen to these feminized weed seeds.
In a single pack of feminized seeds a grower can produce:


Yeah, that’s right. Males! So where are these males coming from and how are they making there way into the feminized cannabis seed process. The answer is a very simple one. Sex is not completely determined in the cannabis plant until a few weeks before flowering. We will talk about this in a moment but now back to the feminized weed seeds.
In optimal cannabis growing conditions feminized marijuana seeds will kick out 100% females. This says a lot for marijuana growing conditions and the actual role they play on cannabis gender development. How many times have cannabis growers seen these effects of multiple genders from Feminized weed seeds? The answer lies clearly in how well they grow."