f#ck, I BROKE the golden rule, and now I pay for it


Well-Known Member
Well I did it, I broken the golden rule. After about 7 years of smoking and growing mary jane, I finally decided to tell someone I had some weed to smoke, and I totally regret every bit of it.

So I was going to a party, I went to the party. I brought some weed with me. Now I dont usually bring weed with me to parties, or smoke it ever around my friends, or even tell them I smoke it, quite frankly because none of my friends really smoke weed. They are the ignorant type that think weed gives you cancer, and all the government propaganda has filled their minds with lies. So I thought all these 7 years I thought "Nah, if I tell them they are really close friends, they probably wont tell anyone else, but they will have changed views on me."

But tonight was different, I thought I would roll up a joint and smoke it with one of my closest friends whom ive known 10 years, since elementary school even. I was thinkling " hey ill tell him it isn't bad, let him have a toke, he will like it (of course) and then ill have a good smoke buddy friend" Bad Idea.

So im at the party, just me and him sitting out there on the balcony, I have my nice macanudo premium vintage cigar (we both smoke cigars), im having a good time. So I whip out the weed, and some rolling papers. My friend, who is such a weed birgin is like "Whats that? tobacco or something?" I said its weed. then he just fucking EXPLODES, " HOLY SHIT< WEED???!?! YOU SMOKE THAT STUFF, WHOA!!!" and im all cool with him im just like "Yeah Ive been smoking and growing for 7 years haha, I mean its really not bad for you or anything, after 7 years im still fine aren't I? wanna smoke it with me?" I gave him a bit too much info right there, woops.

He avoids this stuff like the plague, starts lecturing me on how bad weed is, and how I will die at the age of 30 because I smoke weed. He then confiscates the material from me stating "No, I wont let you have this, I can't let you mess up your life like this" (Of course im laughing my ass of right now)I just tell him "dude give it back, I have a shitload more, ill just smoke that, confiscating this won't really do shit, your not a better person for taking it form me even if weed was bad for you" But he takes it anyway, flushes it down the toilet, comes back, looks really accomplished and proud of himself. And then starts talking to me again about how bad smoking weed is.

A this point im like, alright, he hates weed, whatever. I tell him to just not tell anyone (not that I need to, he is a close friend), because I have a reputation amongst my friends as a person who does not smoke weed, at all.

So I leave the party, gotta get home. Going to class the coming monday. This girl I know, kind of a goody goody person, still a great friend, looks at me in disgust saying "I cant beleive you do that shit", then walks off, is seemingly pure disgust. im like "WOW WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!" I got a lot of that that day, a lot of people have changed views on me. Apparently a lot of people around here don't condone the smoking of weed. People around here of course, dont look at me as a weed smoker, at ALL. infact most dont even knwo I smoke cigars or anything, most people think I dont even drink. People came up to me, concerned, asking me if Ive had a drug problem, I just pretty much said the whole day "I dunno what your talking about" Im not about to admit I smoke weed to the masses, with the connections I have around places, the news would eventually reach my parents, teachers, worse.

So My friend pretty much told a group of people, who told people who told people. I got some insiders info from a friend, whom said my friend was LECTURING people on how I smoke weed, and how im such a druggie and a bad person because of it. Even though I told him not to tell anyone, even though he shoulden't have. All of this coming from a close friend, Fucking sad.

Of course the news reached a few of my stoner friends, not too many of them around here, but they were coming up to me like "DAMNN BRO, you smoke!??!?! After all these years why didn't you say anything? We should go light up this joint after school man!" etc etc.

So I guess I formed a closer bond with a few people, at the price of having perhaps hundreds of people look at me like some sort of druggie.

So the golden rule was broken, I hope NONE of you, that want to keep your weed smoking a secret, tell anyone at ALL that you smoke weed, or the word will get out, and a lot of friendships will be destroyed.

Its really a shame, all of these people that thought I was a totally different person now have their views changed completely on me.

Its really a shame what my friend did, and Im not a big fan of revenge, but It seems like a great option right now.


Well-Known Member
Well I did it, I broken the golden rule. After about 7 years of smoking and growing mary jane, I finally decided to tell someone I had some weed to smoke, and I totally regret every bit of it.

So I was going to a party, I went to the party. I brought some weed with me. Now I dont usually bring weed with me to parties, or smoke it ever around my friends, or even tell them I smoke it, quite frankly because none of my friends really smoke weed. They are the ignorant type that think weed gives you cancer, and all the government propaganda has filled their minds with lies. So I thought all these 7 years I thought "Nah, if I tell them they are really close friends, they probably wont tell anyone else, but they will have changed views on me."

But tonight was different, I thought I would roll up a joint and smoke it with one of my closest friends whom ive known 10 years, since elementary school even. I was thinkling " hey ill tell him it isn't bad, let him have a toke, he will like it (of course) and then ill have a good smoke buddy friend" Bad Idea.

So im at the party, just me and him sitting out there on the balcony, I have my nice macanudo premium vintage cigar (we both smoke cigars), im having a good time. So I whip out the weed, and some rolling papers. My friend, who is such a weed birgin is like "Whats that? tobacco or something?" I said its weed. then he just fucking EXPLODES, " HOLY SHIT< WEED???!?! YOU SMOKE THAT STUFF, WHOA!!!" and im all cool with him im just like "Yeah Ive been smoking and growing for 7 years haha, I mean its really not bad for you or anything, after 7 years im still fine aren't I? wanna smoke it with me?" I gave him a bit too much info right there, woops.

He avoids this stuff like the plague, starts lecturing me on how bad weed is, and how I will die at the age of 30 because I smoke weed. He then confiscates the material from me stating "No, I wont let you have this, I can't let you mess up your life like this" (Of course im laughing my ass of right now)I just tell him "dude give it back, I have a shitload more, ill just smoke that, confiscating this won't really do shit, your not a better person for taking it form me even if weed was bad for you" But he takes it anyway, flushes it down the toilet, comes back, looks really accomplished and proud of himself. And then starts talking to me again about how bad smoking weed is.

A this point im like, alright, he hates weed, whatever. I tell him to just not tell anyone (not that I need to, he is a close friend), because I have a reputation amongst my friends as a person who does not smoke weed, at all.

So I leave the party, gotta get home. Going to class the coming monday. This girl I know, kind of a goody goody person, still a great friend, looks at me in disgust saying "I cant beleive you do that shit", then walks off, is seemingly pure disgust. im like "WOW WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!" I got a lot of that that day, a lot of people have changed views on me. Apparently a lot of people around here don't condone the smoking of weed. People around here of course, dont look at me as a weed smoker, at ALL. infact most dont even knwo I smoke cigars or anything, most people think I dont even drink. People came up to me, concerned, asking me if Ive had a drug problem, I just pretty much said the whole day "I dunno what your talking about" Im not about to admit I smoke weed to the masses, with the connections I have around places, the news would eventually reach my parents, teachers, worse.

So My friend pretty much told a group of people, who told people who told people. I got some insiders info from a friend, whom said my friend was LECTURING people on how I smoke weed, and how im such a druggie and a bad person because of it. Even though I told him not to tell anyone, even though he shoulden't have. All of this coming from a close friend, Fucking sad.

Of course the news reached a few of my stoner friends, not too many of them around here, but they were coming up to me like "DAMNN BRO, you smoke!??!?! After all these years why didn't you say anything? We should go light up this joint after school man!" etc etc.

So I guess I formed a closer bond with a few people, at the price of having perhaps hundreds of people look at me like some sort of druggie.

So the golden rule was broken, I hope NONE of you, that want to keep your weed smoking a secret, tell anyone at ALL that you smoke weed, or the word will get out, and a lot of friendships will be destroyed.

Its really a shame, all of these people that thought I was a totally different person now have their views changed completely on me.

Its really a shame what my friend did, and Im not a big fan of revenge, but It seems like a great option right now.
shit man that sucks im kinda in that position to i just moved to missouri and cant tell no one cause my cousin here is a fucking under cover narcotics cop..well anyways im even an aa member and shit and work at a salvation army beleave it or not. i just met a girl her that has a three year old son and i kind of told her the trurth stating how i dont beleave marijuna is bad and all that and thank god she was pretty cool about it all she said was just dont bring it around me or my son which is pretty much comon sence but yeah my mother is even kinda in my shoes shes back in idaho though but shes bein goin out with this guy who is kinda like a morman lol night really a morman though but close enough but hes all cool with it as long as she doesnt bring it around him..what im trying to get to really is some ppl that dont smoke are still pretty cool idk maybe i just lucked out or somethin:-o


Well-Known Member
Do you go to like an ivy league school or somthing? Ive never heard of people being that anal about weed.


Well-Known Member
No actually a community college, suprising isnt it? Then again Idont hang out with a bunch of fun loving hippies or gang bangers,so basically not a lot of weed smoking going on in my circle of freinds.


Well-Known Member
Maybe now you don't have to worry about it? Fuck that shit man, it's nice to keep it on the DL, but sometimes you gotta just say fuck it. It's none of their business to be honest and I think you should let them know that.

If this little bit of information changed your "close friends'" view on you, maybe they really aren't "close friends" at all.

Oh and if someone flushed my weed I'd be a little irritated to say the least.


Well-Known Member
No actually a community college, suprising isnt it? Then again Idont hang out with a bunch of fun loving hippies or gang bangers,so basically not a lot of weed smoking going on in my circle of freinds.
lmao hey i ate no fucken hippie or a damn gang banger lol im a fucken rebel


stays relevant.
Find some less ignorant friends... I hope to god these people don't live in California.

What a joke. dumbasses. :roll:


Well-Known Member
I think you perceived his statement wrong... He was giving you some insight on who HE is, he wasn't implying that that's the type of person you are. :roll:
lol yep your right but in his words it sounded like there the only ones who smoke but thats what i get though of just thinking its all about me. sorry bout that:wall:


Well-Known Member
hold on, the golden rule is tell no one you grow, not tell no one you smoke. You should have some smoking buddies, so what if folks know you smoke?


stays relevant.
hold on, the golden rule is tell no one you grow, not tell no one you smoke. You should have some smoking buddies, so what if folks know you smoke?
Obviously he surrounded himself with people who are too good for that shit, and they will never get to experience shit because their ignorance is stronger than their open-mindedness... He DID tell them he GREW AND SMOKED for 7 years...

Again, this is very unfortunate... Sounds like you need some better friends, and we're all here for ya bud! :)


Well-Known Member
If this little bit of information changed your "close friends'" view on you, maybe they really aren't "close friends" at all.

yeah I should have been more specific. All of my close friends dont really care, they are just like "haah wow ive known you XX years and you smoke weed? lolololol"

Of course there are just the "friends" that have very estranged views on me. Including ex girl friends and other people like that, which tell all of there friends (some people I dont even know) that I smoke weed etc. And nobody wants to be labeled like that especially around a school enviroment where you want to really get to know everyone.

But this one guy that went lecturing everybody and let out the truth is treating me like an old friend still, but fuck him, he thinks i DONT KNOW he told everybody, its a shame some people are so fucking ignorant. Im just going to tell him tomorrow that i know he told everyone, and he is a total asshole for doing it.

Yeah as far as fuck it let everyone know, I guess I could live with that, its just that it really makes people look at you differently, so whenevr im talking to X person, I know they know that I smoke weed, and its just kinda disturbing that everyone knows, ya know? I mean most people have closed circles of people that know they smoke weed and noone really cares, but when a well known person like me that NOBODY EVER thought smoked weed, is all the sudden found to be a pothead. (no not a casual weed smoker like I am, the way my friend put out the word made me look like a TOTAL STONER, or in their eyes someone with a serious "DRUG PROBLEM")

so basically I will have people (most of whom dont even know me) tlaking behind my back saying shit like "Oh you know that kid grassified, the one that served as the president for that club, he smokes WEED, I hear is does it HEAVILY and is TOTALLY drugged up" And ill probably see more variations of that story as time goes on, but as my friend put it out, he made it seem really bad, from what I heard, he was telling people "Yeah he has been REALLY fucked up, smoking for 7 years, and he is broke so he needs to grow it now because he cant score any from his dealer etc etc" But in reality I just told him I been smoking for 7 years and I grow it, but you know, people throw in subtle details that turn into really big details.

So its really just a confusing fucked up situation I cant even fully explain, fortunatly some people like growtech get it somewhat, I pretty much surrounded myself with people that will not have not and will never smoke weed, and now they all see that one of their friends who they thought was like them smokes it. So you cna imagine just what they think.


Well-Known Member
Alright man, I feel you on that one. You shouldn't be labeled like that because your "friend" could keep his mouth shut, but it doesn't need to be a huge secret.

I like what you were saying about "especially around a school enviroment where you want to really get to know everyone" because that basically sums up how I feel. YOU should be the one who decides whether person A or person B knows what you do in your spare time.

The world isn't over, though. Everyone will forget and it won't be such a big deal. Life always continues.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I guess only time will heal this one now. Its a shame theres so little time in life in the first place.


New Member
Yeah I guess only time will heal this one now. Its a shame theres so little time in life in the first place.
so u just smoked weed by yourself??? cuz u had no one to smoke with or what???

and as long as you can keep your shit straight and get good grades i dont see y any1 should look down on you for smokin the reefer


New Member
yeah I should have been more specific. All of my close friends dont really care, they are just like "haah wow ive known you XX years and you smoke weed? lolololol"

Of course there are just the "friends" that have very estranged views on me. Including ex girl friends and other people like that, which tell all of there friends (some people I dont even know) that I smoke weed etc. And nobody wants to be labeled like that especially around a school enviroment where you want to really get to know everyone.

But this one guy that went lecturing everybody and let out the truth is treating me like an old friend still, but fuck him, he thinks i DONT KNOW he told everybody, its a shame some people are so fucking ignorant. Im just going to tell him tomorrow that i know he told everyone, and he is a total asshole for doing it.

Yeah as far as fuck it let everyone know, I guess I could live with that, its just that it really makes people look at you differently, so whenevr im talking to X person, I know they know that I smoke weed, and its just kinda disturbing that everyone knows, ya know? I mean most people have closed circles of people that know they smoke weed and noone really cares, but when a well known person like me that NOBODY EVER thought smoked weed, is all the sudden found to be a pothead. (no not a casual weed smoker like I am, the way my friend put out the word made me look like a TOTAL STONER, or in their eyes someone with a serious "DRUG PROBLEM")

so basically I will have people (most of whom dont even know me) tlaking behind my back saying shit like "Oh you know that kid grassified, the one that served as the president for that club, he smokes WEED, I hear is does it HEAVILY and is TOTALLY drugged up" And ill probably see more variations of that story as time goes on, but as my friend put it out, he made it seem really bad, from what I heard, he was telling people "Yeah he has been REALLY fucked up, smoking for 7 years, and he is broke so he needs to grow it now because he cant score any from his dealer etc etc" But in reality I just told him I been smoking for 7 years and I grow it, but you know, people throw in subtle details that turn into really big details.

So its really just a confusing fucked up situation I cant even fully explain, fortunatly some people like growtech get it somewhat, I pretty much surrounded myself with people that will not have not and will never smoke weed, and now they all see that one of their friends who they thought was like them smokes it. So you cna imagine just what they think.
find new friends there are plenty of other stoners out there just like u what he call in the closet stoners lol


Well-Known Member
I dont get why you regret it! fuck your ignorant snitching "friends" man, their not the friends you should have in the first place. ( thats just how i feel...) And your better off with new stoner friends that might even have some good weed :-P