Extremely Tall Stems, Very Little Leaves

i posted this in the wrong section before, im sorry, mods please delete my other thread.

my girl went into labor a few days ago and our first son was born, but while in the hospital i had left my lights on for 3 days. they hadnt sprouted when i left but now they are tall and skinny with a couple leaves on top. so tall 2 of them fell over. i dont know what to do. should i leave the lights off for 48 hrs to induce flowering? should i cut the tops off and replant them? this is my first bunch, please help me...:confused:

hater hurter

Active Member
without pics it's hard to tell. most time if the lights are to far from the plant it will stretch towards the light too much so moving the light to within an inch of the top of the plant may be a fix.
the lights are on the side with foil on top, but i think you are right. i will post pics later/tomorrow to be critiqued. thanks!!!

hater hurter

Active Member
make sure you code the pics so as not to be able to tell who they came from. sorry you may have known that already but better safe than sorry. someone had a topic with how to in it i believe.


Well-Known Member
sounds like your using crap lights or, your lights are just too far away from the plants. if your using halogen flood lights, incandescent, or "plant" lights thats your problems. if your running CFLs or HID you should move em closer.
yeah, they are florescent(sp?)"plant lights". what kind should i switch to? is it too late to save them? they are healthy looking and green.

hater hurter

Active Member
how come growing them outside with the sun doesnt cause them to stretch?

the sun produces a much stronger light source than lights.
alright, i was just curious. didnt know if it gave it something else or just stronger or what. thanks again!!!

for a site i just joined this place sure is helpful!!!