extremely small seedling...? on transplanting


Active Member
Hey all about 3 weeks ago I finally finished my first grow with 2 plants and got about 2.5 oz... wasn't bad since it was just reg seed I thought.

Well decided to order seeds this time and got some og kush and WW well the first 2 seeds of og kush didnt even germ. I tried again with a skunk X reg and a og kush fem again ... both popped and the skunk took off its doing great...but the og kush took forever to pop the surface and now is very tiny and seems to hardly be growing. I tested the ph of it and it seems way to high (over 7.3)... * The question I was wondering is it worth a try to transplant it to a different pot with the corrected soil balance ... (the reason is that i mix my own soil and i had different ratios for those 2 ... ive made another batch and its staying in the 6.5-7 range runoff water)

has anyone had decent survival rates for this? or should I just wait it out and see if it'll make it? (Its only half n inch tall if that and with very small first set of true leaves..)