Extractor in tent or loft??


I am not sure if I posted in the right section but I could not find a place for fans and extraction.
I am 4 weeks into my first grow and everything's been going fine, up until the last week anyway. I've been growing in a 60x60x120 cm tent under a 125w cfl, trouble I've been having is with cooling. My extractor fan is a 4" fitting and I have placed it in the loft, I have 10m of flexi hose coming down through a cavity and out through a hole in the wall and directly into the tent. Once inside the tent the hose goes to the top and has a carbon filter fitted. Everything seemed fine until my plants started to go dull and the leaves started curling up, then they were going yellow and they just didn't seem to be growing anymore, I finally managed to find a thermometer and realised my temp is way too high. I have rigged up a makeshift fan in there to aid air circulation, I'm waiting for a small clip on fan to turn up which should be here tomorrow. My light was then raised up which has made the plants cooler and I have been giving them a very light spray with rain water every now and then, the colour is deffinately starting to come back now
My question is this, Should i have the extractor in the loft where it has to suck through 10m of hose and a carbon filter thus loosing efficiency, or should i put the extractor in the tent and use the 10m hose as an exhaust and then have a 1m piece of hose between the extractor and the filter. The answer is obvious I know but I'm worried about the extractor being in the tent with moisture and heat, is this an issue?? Does anyone else have there setup this way?? Bearing in mind it's only a small tent
Great forum by the way, I've found so much useful information here so far that I haven't needed to post till now
10 meters is alot of ventilation to go thru and ofcourse your going to be losing suction power the longer it is and thus making the carbon filter less efficient. id say if your worried about it in the tent, place it just outside the tent with a few feet of hose going into the tent to the filter and the rest the other way into the loft.... also be careful about moisture build up in the loft possibly causing mold but it shouldnt be a problem with your smaller set-up. just my 2 cents :-o
Thank you for responding,
stealth is a bit of an issue so I can't afford to have the fan outside the tent, it is all positioned so that the only way anybody will see anything is if they are on a ladder looking into the room i.e the window cleaner, as it is the tent could get away with looking like a cheap ikea cupboard, putting an extractor outside would give the game away.
I'm thinking of maybe building a raised floor in the tent with just enough room under it for the extractor, to avoid overheating I'm thinking get a cheap fan adjuster so it's not running flat out, also maybe put it on a timer so for 15 minutes every hour it gets a break. Like I mentioned earlier I have a small oscillating fan on its way which I will put in there too, The main reason I moved it into the loft is because of the noise as well, do you think if it was in a box it would be quieter?? But I guess it would be more prone to overheating thus the reason I'm thinking of the 15 minute break