Extra Heat


Well-Known Member
Greeting RIU'ers

I'm running a 1000w HPS...

My temps steady @ 79F but I'd like to get it down a few degrees if at all possible.

Humidity 30% YADAYADAYA! ,,,

My air cooled hood is ducting into the attic (which is vented to let the hot air escape outside )

I have 2 Fans running ( 1 ) 16" OSC wall mounted fan that pushes plenty of air in my space!
and a clip fan ( that moves air lower )

I have my 12/12 timer set ( 6pm ON __ 6am OFF )

Its cold steady @ 79F I cant get it down ...

Any suggestions or thoughts?

Greeting RIU'ers

I'm running a 1000w HPS...

My temps steady @ 79F but I'd like to get it down a few degrees if at all possible.

Humidity 30% YADAYADAYA! ,,,

My air cooled hood is ducting into the attic (which is vented to let the hot air escape outside )

I have 2 Fans running ( 1 ) 16" OSC wall mounted fan that pushes plenty of air in my space!
and a clip fan ( that moves air lower )

I have my 12/12 timer set ( 6pm ON __ 6am OFF )

Its cold steady @ 79F I cant get it down ...

Any suggestions or thoughts?

what size fan do you have connected to the hood(CFM)? do you have a carbon filter on it? Can you take a pic of your setup?
It's a 6" 400 cfm fan and unfortunately I can't take pics . No carbon filter .. smell is not an issue
79 isn't bad, guessing by your single 1000w it's no more than a 5x5 area. If your already running a cooled,hood, seal it and hang 4 exhale co2 bags in your area then not really worry about the heat..,given you are in at least a semi sealed environment. If not either put a small window shaker put a small portable in there
Greeting RIU'ers

I'm running a 1000w HPS...

My temps steady @ 79F but I'd like to get it down a few degrees if at all possible.

Humidity 30% YADAYADAYA! ,,,

My air cooled hood is ducting into the attic (which is vented to let the hot air escape outside )

I have 2 Fans running ( 1 ) 16" OSC wall mounted fan that pushes plenty of air in my space!
and a clip fan ( that moves air lower )

I have my 12/12 timer set ( 6pm ON __ 6am OFF )

Its cold steady @ 79F I cant get it down ...

Any suggestions or thoughts?

swamp cooler

just add a frozen jug of water to make it more effective ..........in the grocery stores they sell water jugs somewhere in the jugs is a 2 and half gallon jug (might be distilled water) .....get 3 of those and just take off the spigot dump some water out (quart of water) freeze them .........they should get u 12hours so with 3 u always have a fresh one (one in use one freezing one frozen)

just make sure u leave enough of the bucket so the walls are not weak ...
get the bucket from home depot rem to get lid (maybe a 2nd bucket in case u over do holes)

pump the frozen jug can sit on top of it
screen so does not leak out
evap pad what the water drips on
hose to make holes heat a nail and poke
t connector for the water make a loop and u got one left open for feeding it
fan just take it off the stand

i link amazon since it is a world wide suppler (not telling u where i am u are not telling me where u are ....and the item is gettable for 99% of the world)
I used the c02 bag, didn't see any difference then again the guy at the store said I only need 1. For 4x4 area
How much to build a swamp bucket that is dope shitaki !!
under 50 75 bucks making it yourself

buying they are going to charge u parts and time so 100 120

2 hours work just need a hole sawl /drill bit (they use them for make the holes for door nobs)
the rest of it is priced out and what to order in theposting
I used the c02 bag, didn't see any difference then again the guy at the store said I only need 1. For 4x4 area

co2 bags are not worth it
make moonshine and use the brewing of it to supply Co2 ........or tank/burner

those bags are waste of money ........moonshine makes alot more only last for 5 days and u get a gallon of 140/150% drink
Lower than 79f with 1000w on 6x2x6 may be a little much too ask... Dropping the temp will actually reduce the water potential of the air possibly reducing transpiration of the plants, making it only more dry. Not sure what you mean with yadadadada but the results may not be an actual improvement.
Have you ever though about water cooling your lighting or a portable ac unit? IM A HUGE FAN of the swamp cooler as well

just to help portable ac are a waste of money and energy ..........if u conpare the btu rating to what the max cooling area is it is horrible compaired to a window shaker or a mini spilt

the water cooling the outtake is only going to help cool the exhuast air so it does not pop so big on a flair camera .......and to use it on a intake it is basically a fancey swamp cooler using more energy

good thinking tho outside the box ....keep learning
co2 bags are not worth it
make moonshine and use the brewing of it to supply Co2 ........or tank/burner

those bags are waste of money ........moonshine makes alot more only last for 5 days and u get a gallon of 140/150% drink
I'm my bags are out putting 1100 ppm,average each as well as I have a 20 lb tank. 20 lb tank in a non perfect sealed,tent. Tank lasts almost 2 wweeks. Pretty sure those bags are working great. Pre bags was getting about 7-9days on a 20 lb
What is the temp outside the room? How much warmer is your room compared to outside the room? With good fans/circulation, it should only be a couple degrees higher than outside. I also had 2 identical thermometers that read about 3 degrees apart, I used the one that read lower, helped my psyche.
Thank you guys, I have a 5,000 btu window. AC for my studio (650 Sq ft ) ... it's for me and my dog . I wouldnt waste the power and money on one for my room .. I like the idea of the swamp cooler to be honest.

And my temperature outside the room Is around 67f -72f .