I see a little burn,the leaf pattern is normal lowest on the limbs starting you will have 1 -3 leafs ,as it grows the next node up will have 5 and next you will have seven leafs which is very common and normal,if the plant is happy and healthy it can grow as many as 13 fingers on a leaf,I have had 11 on a few never got to 13 lol,,If you are worried or think you over feed,give it some strait water a bit of a flush it will help dissipate any extra nutrients ,make sure you have good drainage so the water can run through and wash any extra out,plant looks good or will here coming up,not sure what you are feeding but you want a NPK 7-5-5 for veg or as close to that ,& a NPK of 3-10-10 for flowering or as close as you can get,always better to be giving to little rather than too much is the general rule of thumb ,Cheers mate keep on growing