Extra Growth? Plus nutrient burn? Help.

IMG_1039.JPG IMG_1033.JPG IMG_1037.JPG First Time Grower - Is this growth normal? There's extra branches growing out of each node..., These branches are growing 3-fingered leaves, and seem generally unaffected by the accidental nutrient burn... anyways, are these little leaves normal and should I keep them or cut them off?

Also am I correct in thinking that the leaves are nutrient burned? Does it look as if the plant will die?

Anyways, sorry for all the questions and I really appreciate any feedback.
My Purple Kush clone has looked like that forever.

A pic of the whole plant would help. Can't tell shit from those ones.

I am not worried about the growth of the plant so much as those small branches seen growing underneath everything... Also how bad does that nutrient burn look? I will provide better pictures, what angle would help?
I see a little burn,the leaf pattern is normal lowest on the limbs starting you will have 1 -3 leafs ,as it grows the next node up will have 5 and next you will have seven leafs which is very common and normal,if the plant is happy and healthy it can grow as many as 13 fingers on a leaf,I have had 11 on a few never got to 13 lol,,If you are worried or think you over feed,give it some strait water a bit of a flush it will help dissipate any extra nutrients ,make sure you have good drainage so the water can run through and wash any extra out,plant looks good or will here coming up,not sure what you are feeding but you want a NPK 7-5-5 for veg or as close to that ,& a NPK of 3-10-10 for flowering or as close as you can get,always better to be giving to little rather than too much is the general rule of thumb ,Cheers mate keep on growing
Will also add the damaged leaves will not recover once damaged so you will see them die off,or even go yellow after you flush it with water this is also normal,,The extra limbs is all part of the plant growing and maturing as it gets older it will fill out every place their is a leave node it will start a whole new top or branch all normal
unless your doing some massive training cut the new growth. it will never reach the canopy and will produce nothing except larfy popcorn that drys into nothing. they just suck the juce from the rest of the plant. take multi pics of the entire plant and some close up of affected leaves
I see a little burn,the leaf pattern is normal lowest on the limbs starting you will have 1 -3 leafs ,as it grows the next node up will have 5 and next you will have seven leafs which is very common and normal,if the plant is happy and healthy it can grow as many as 13 fingers on a leaf,I have had 11 on a few never got to 13 lol,,If you are worried or think you over feed,give it some strait water a bit of a flush it will help dissipate any extra nutrients ,make sure you have good drainage so the water can run through and wash any extra out,plant looks good or will here coming up,not sure what you are feeding but you want a NPK 7-5-5 for veg or as close to that ,& a NPK of 3-10-10 for flowering or as close as you can get,always better to be giving to little rather than too much is the general rule of thumb ,Cheers mate keep on growing
Thank you, I really appreciate the information. So far after plain water waterings, the burn got alittle worse... Do I just ride it out?
The burn did not happen instantly,the cure will not be instant either. Keep watering it with plain water and start with a weaker solution fertiliser in a few days.
unless your doing some massive training cut the new growth. it will never reach the canopy and will produce nothing except larfy popcorn that drys into nothing. they just suck the juce from the rest of the plant. take multi pics of the entire plant and some close up of affected leaves
Here are some more pics, I have begun to LST, atleast I think I'm doing it right... Should I remove the burned leaves? Thanks :)
IMG_1170.JPG IMG_1167.JPG IMG_1171.JPG IMG_1178.JPG IMG_1180.JPG
i wouldnt remove anything untill your sure the burn is corrected. if it isnt then the plant will send the extra stuff to different leaves and they will get the burn
i wouldnt remove anything untill your sure the burn is corrected. if it isnt then the plant will send the extra stuff to different leaves and they will get the burn

I agree with this completely. Don't cut any of the new growth off yet, even if it is towards the bottom of the plant.

unless your doing some massive training cut the new growth. it will never reach the canopy and will produce nothing except larfy popcorn that drys into nothing. they just suck the juce from the rest of the plant. take multi pics of the entire plant and some close up of affected leaves

Because you have severe damage to a whole section of growth on your plant, she's probably trying to get some extra light by putting energy into growing new leaves where she can. Cutting any growth off at this point would just be taking away a vital part of your plants healing process, slowing down your grow over all.

I would suggest gently cutting away the heavily damaged part of the leaves with sterilized scissors, allowing more light to penetrate to the lower growth sites. Those new leaves will act as solar panels for your plant, helping to provide energy and food for the new growth at the top.

Once your plant has fully recovered, and has grown excessive amounts of new vegetation, you can then consider removing any growth on the bottom 1/3 of your plant.

Hope this helped! :bigjoint: