Expert Advice Needed


Active Member
I have a 2 1/2'x4'x6' flower room and want to do a sog grow what size pots, and what kind of soil will get me the best quality and quantity?


Active Member
not an expert but would definatly advise some sort of ventilation in any grow if much depends on the temps you are getting in the tent get a digital thermometer with min/max on it really handy....


Well-Known Member
im not an expert but....

hell yes you will need ventilation.

2 systems i say. 1 to cool the light and other to intake and exhaust air.

soil? i dont do soil...but people swear by fox farm ocean forest or some shit....

pot size? 4 per sq ft


Active Member
just fill the bottom of the space with dirt. grab some 2X8 or something and some poly and just plant them in there like its a garden use sunshine mix! Just focus on getting a good air intake going the all will exhaust somewhere due to pos pressure one 400 doesn't put off much heat