Experience with Purple Kush Indoors?


Well-Known Member
Usually run sativas, but I'm in the middle of my current cycle with another purple strain... looks okay in there but they didn't fill in as I expected in terms of the canopy.

I 54 under 3600 watts, and could use another 15 or so. Curious what to expect from the Purple Kush... I'm guessing the same type of growth - most of the significant budding is on the main shoot.

I did top 4 of my current purple strain, and two of them look above average, two below average... so maybe a wash.

Anyhow, what's your experience with the strain guys? I was told it will only take 45 days so a nice quick cycle is in store!


Active Member
im currently growing 3 purple kush plants that are a day shy of seven weeks into flowering. It is my first experience growing them (and growing any kind of marijuana, along with 3 other strains i have), but I've observed a few unique things about them.
For one, they grow very dependent on their container size. While I'm not saying this doesnt happen with other strains, I've noticed that the PK have the most dramatic difference in size from just a 2gal container to a 3 gallon. They grow short like most indicas, and the bud sites are generally very compact, dense, and EXTREMELY frosty. At nearly seven weeks now, one of the three is very pink/purplish, one has increasing intensity of purple, and the other only has the slightest hints of a color change. The phenotype I have, which I got it from a medical marijuana dispensary, has a flowering time of 9-10 weeks. This isn't surprisingly given the fact they need the extra time to get that good purple color and to fatten up their small buds. You can also see and read about this strain in the Big Book of Buds, Volume Three. They have the exact phenotype I'm growing from the same dispensary in oakland in that book.

one of the most important things i've learned from growing them my first time was that they at least need an additional week and a half or so (more would be preferable) of vegging as compared to the other strains I am growing (hindu skunk, shiva skunk, white widow). That being said, they are a pretty hardy plant once they get going, albeit not the most easy to clone, and produce the goddamn chronic if you grow them right.

im really stoned from the shiva skunk i harvested on friday, and i'm hungry, but i will post pictures when my plants are not sleeping and i am competent. i will also post the purple kush listing from the dispensary catalog and ill scan that big book of buds page too if that helps.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info. I was told mine should only take 45 days, far from your estimated 9-10 weeks. Not to say the place you got it is wrong, but I've never heard of anyone letting Purple Kush go that long, heck... most indicas will finish in the 45-56 day range.

How tall were they when you flowered and how tall did they end up? I flowered my current indoor purple strain at about 12 inches, and they are not as tall as I would like them to be right now.


Well-Known Member
Hopeful that I can get this new batch to about 15-16 inches before I flower, they should be ready to rock when I receive them in the next day or so.

I'm planning to put 'em in the garage for a bit while this other run fills up to get a head start.


Well-Known Member
I haven't grown P Kush, but what i can tell you is that you should expect smaller plants and a lesser harvest from these than sativa, hybrid strains. So the fact that they are smaller doesn't surprise me. You should get some really high quality smoke though!