experiement cab grow

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
well me and a few few friends couldn't wait for my 2 harvest this year so

and wanted out our smoke for 420

i had 6 bagseed roottaps at about 1/ inchs planted them in a oval pot with 6 inches perlte in ther own indiviual kethup cups with a 1/4 drainage hole and pushed a hole to the bottom with a pencil since the perlite doesnt hold much water and i dont have sprouts i decided to fill the container (that water drain into half full so the btottom of the cups that have the seeds in them soak a little more its been 2days now and no sprouts

planted friday still no sprouts i was hopen i had them already because my prosoomed harvest day is tax day!!!

(premaute bud anyway and now this is worring me)

i have 4 daylight cfls on the pot about 2 inches away from the container with glad warp over the top to hold moisture with a heater in the can also i have the thermo where the pot and lights are and stays at 85 because i have the heater 3/4 hot???

can someone give me tips on what to do i want a grow of my own smoke for 420 this year!!!

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
im tryin to germ my seeds in small oasis cubes with hole to the bottom and left to right and my seeds wont sprout???usally works....


Well-Known Member
it may sprout its 1st bud by 420... doubt it'll get you high though. But anyways another used germ method is seed in a damp paper towell inside an inflated ziploc bag atop a heat source.

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
there already germed most poped the shell off already looking mighty and i just to sprout the i the oasis then transfer to perlite filled oval pot i plan to veg for a veg( IF THEY SPROUT SOON!!) then flower for a month cut 2 plants for 420 3 week old buds and let however many go the full 8 i plan to harvest 2 april 15-17 depending on when they sprout