Exodus cheese cuts


Well-Known Member
I've got 8 cheese cuts in coco under 18 hours of 600 w hps about 3 weeks old going yellow n stunted growth for their age?? Ph is 5.9 ec is .8 and the temps are under 25c .im using Dutch pro nutes, any ideas would be helpful thinking about upping the byte strength any advice would be most appreciatedimage.jpg


Well-Known Member
You just need to feed a little heavier.

Also try to keep the coco a little moist. When it dries up too much it can cause salt problems and lockouts.

Are you feeding 0.8EC everytime?

I'm pretty sure that according to the DUTCHPRO nutrient schedule you should be up around 1.8EC by now.


Dont go from 0.8 straight up to 1.8.

Most issues with Dutch pro nutrients are that people aren't feeding heavy enough.



Well-Known Member
Yeh mate I got the schedule but I've found their regime to be a little on the heavy side. But thanks bro and I think your right about upping the dose I did suspect that's wat it would be. It's my second run with these nutes no probs last time but was different breeds.