Exhaust System?


Well-Known Member
I just started building the set up for my first grow. Taking careful measures to make sure all my shit will work together ive hit a few road blocks on the drawing map. Im working with a 14x30x44 in box and have decided to go with CFLs (2x 105w, and 4x 25w for the sides/underside). My question is what kind of exhaust system im going to need to rig for this gig? Do CFLs get that hot for a massive system?

Ive been toying with a few ideas involving computer fans and different intake/exhaust combos but as a grow-virgin im pretty lost on what will and wont work. Any info would be halpful, especaially if someone has made one for a box this tiny.



Well-Known Member
I just started building the set up for my first grow. Taking careful measures to make sure all my shit will work together ive hit a few road blocks on the drawing map. Im working with a 14x30x44 in box and have decided to go with CFLs (2x 105w, and 4x 25w for the sides/underside). My question is what kind of exhaust system im going to need to rig for this gig? Do CFLs get that hot for a massive system?

Ive been toying with a few ideas involving computer fans and different intake/exhaust combos but as a grow-virgin im pretty lost on what will and wont work. Any info would be halpful, especaially if someone has made one for a box this tiny.

You will need to exhaust the heat, Get a fan and have it blowing out and then set up a "hole" for intake, making the intake passive.