exhaust question


Well-Known Member
ok got a 16'x8' 8' tall A framed building sits off the ground bout 2 ft. and sits in the shade off alotta big ass oak trees so no direct sunlight on it ever it has a 400w hps on 24 hrs right now vegging 14 plants with just a cheap as 4" inline fan suppling from under the building were its real cool and a oscillating blowing inside and temp are staying descent. got a 1000w cooltube gonna hang in there for flower.got two 6" 350?cfm fans would i be better to stack them one before and after cool tube thus exhausting room through cool tube or using one for cooltube and one for the room? also isa 15a hydrofarm timer gonna handle the 1000w without burning up?because temps are staying good with the 400w which is a all in one unit so that hot ass ballast hanging there i'm thinking i can get by which passive intake because the 1000's ballast gonna be outside under building any thoughts?a forgot earlier to mention building is partitioned put a wall and door up at 5 ft making it 5x8 the walls have and floor have been panda poly'd gonna hang panda poly for a curtian making flower 5x5 leaving the 3x5 left for veg cab