Exhaust formula and requirements


Active Member

Long time reader, first time poster. :-o

I've recently moved to a new home and have some extra space up in my attic, so... well, I think you all know what that means!! :weed:

I have roughly 6'x11' of usable space. My plan is to partition it into two small rooms, veg and flower. The flower room will be essentially 6'x6'. Is has a tapered ceiling, so the total square feet is roughly 200-220.

Here's my problem, the attic only has a single vent, and its 4". How do I find out what the maximum CFM is that I can push through a 4" hole? My research tells me that I need to be able to replace all of the air in the room every 3 minutes. I can certainly do that with 175 CFM 4" fan in one of the rooms, but if I do that to both rooms I fear I'll be attempting to push more air through 4" exhaust than it can handle.

My concern for airflow is strictly for temperature control. My intake will be air from the house.

Is a 4" exhaust enough?

Can I push 2 4" 175 CFM fans through it? Bad idea?
