Exhaust Fan Wiring Setup Assistance needed.


Well-Known Member
I am planning on having a 6" vortex fan with a carbon filter for my exhaust.

I've seen some examples where people have had them wired to a rheostat in parallel with a thermostat. So that when it's running it's set to low by the rheostat, but then when the temps exceed the preset value, the fan will kick into high because electricity will flow in path of least resistance.

This part makes total sense to me. What I want to do though is add one more device in that wiring schematic. I want to add a timer to it also, so that it will run on high for 5 minutes out of every hour.

The problem though that I'm seeing is what happens if 2 conditions are met where I'll have 2 paths of full power hitting that fan. Will this blow up my fan? For example, what happens if my temps are exceeding the value and my thermostat switch is open at the same time the timer switch is open? Will this blow up my fan or cause a short? I guess since this would be all on the same circuit it would work?

Can anyone help me sort out this mess?

Edit: I think I need a relay, but I'm unsure as to what type