excess of co2 level?


Well-Known Member
hello guyz!
im about to make a run, i made mesurement in my appartment, im living in level 0 of a old building ( it has 7 level), we live here with my wife, its not biig flat and my average co2 level was : between 650ppm when all my windows are opened and increase to 1700ppm (!!!) at the morning after a big night of sleep windows closed.
i thought it was an equippement probleme, i try it outside, and the ppm was between 400 and 500, quit normal.

i think i take it back all the co2 from the other flat above me ( co2 are heavy gaz, i dont know enought about gaz transfert ect)

my question is:
is that ok to make run in that king of environment beetween 700 and 1800ppm from the seed to harvest?
do i will have problem with that or do i have to do something for?
thank you guyz!
ps: sorry for my crappy english, hope im undertandable!
i donnnt know man, all that free co2 from my above's neighbourg fart .... dont know about this co2 quality :p :D
insane.... 1700ppm
I'm betting that your gas 'problem' has more to do with poor venting of furnace or gas powered appliances. Do be sure to get a carbon monoxide detector.

I think your situation will work out fine if you have enough plant mass. They'll eat the CO2 fast enough to keep overall levels in more optimum ranges.
I'm betting that your gas 'problem' has more to do with poor venting of furnace or gas powered appliances. Do be sure to get a carbon monoxide detector.
I think your situation will work out fine if you have enough plant mass. They'll eat the CO2 fast enough to keep overall levels in more optimum ranges.

hello! thank you for the advise!
iam gonna check if theire is any monoxyde carbon detector avalable, but anyway we are only turning our flat with electricity in my building, gaz was cut out 10 year ago.
everything is turning with electricity here.
but anyway, yes i have a very poor ventilation in this old flat :/
thank you for the link!
im gonna be beetween 77 and 84 °F
its gonna be optisolis 5000k 97cri + 3500k for the veg and will mix up with the 2000k+ 660 + 730 for the bloom,
maybee add one extra 5000k on side of my wardrobe ^^
space ship is comming
thank you for the link!
im gonna be beetween 77 and 84 °F
its gonna be optisolis 5000k 97cri + 3500k for the veg and will mix up with the 2000k+ 660 + 730 for the bloom,
maybee add one extra 5000k on side of my wardrobe ^^
space ship is comming
Grows with LED lights tend to do better with higher temperatures, even up to 30C.
Plants release/“dump” CO2 at “night”. With the windows closed the room was fairly well sealed, which is why you experienced the CO2 spike.

Some of my rooms will jump to 4000 during lights out.

Surprised that no one dropped the correct answer.:leaf:
Plants release/“dump” CO2 at “night”. With the windows closed the room was fairly well sealed, which is why you experienced the CO2 spike.

Some of my rooms will jump to 4000 during lights out.

Surprised that no one dropped the correct answer.:leaf:
yes i solve the probleme simply opening one window on my flat... :D
in fact i open the windows at night, if i dont do this, i wake up dizzy like 3000/4500ppm in the house ^^

It will ruin your sleep and prolonged exposure can leave you feeling “exhausted”. I suffered CO2 “saturation” after several months of 12+ hr days at a grow @4000+ constantly. It took me awhile to recover.
It will ruin your sleep and prolonged exposure can leave you feeling “exhausted”. I suffered CO2 “saturation” after several months of 12+ hr days at a grow @4000+ constantly. It took me awhile to recover.
yes thank you for the reply, problem solved thank to you! my wake up are wayyyy better !