Excellent Feeding Tip I thought I would Share.

Hi guys, thought I would share a tip.

How to natually feed your plant without burning or causing nutient problems.

This is fairly simple for me, the best approach i have found is to make sure your medium (soil/compost) is well nourished before you plant. To achieve this I only use one method and always have. I use my rabbit :)

No, I dont shove my bunny in a pot (i am not a bunny boiler :))

What you do is get the rabbit droppings from the hutch and plenty of the straw where the bunny goes to the loo.

The little bunny pellets are the perfect natural fertilizer. Just add plenty as they are to the soil and mix it in very well. They dont smell so dont worry. You want about a 1:20 bunny pellet ratio. Thats 1 pellet for every 20 soil. About three good handfulls for a decent size pot. You then wont need to feed your plant for the duration of growth.

The plant will only take from the pellets and (bunny pee) straw what it needs. This is an excellent solid source of nitrogen and phospherous and everything your plant requires. You can also make a plant tea from the droppings to feed other plants.

If you havent got access to a bunny then find someone who has and just ask for some fertilizer. I never use chemicals or have to worry about nutirent levels, ever. Leaves always green and stems always solid for large bud support.
I only grow a little personal once in a while but i have always had fantastic results. I suggest next time you grow just do this with one plant and judge for yourself. You will be very pleased with the results and no more horrid chems or unnatural feeds that can cause many different problems for the plant.

Thought i would share that with ya'all. Happy growing.


Active Member
Years ago my son grew rabbits for 4H. I used the poop for my garden and have never had a better harvest. The ground was a natural sandy loam anyway, but I do believe the rabbit pellets supercharged my veggies. No bunny farms around where I live now, so I guess I'll just have to use chicken poop instead. :(