Everything Ravished, everything burned.


Active Member
Hurricane Irene, plus about 3 weeks of rain have successfully killed every plant this year. Came upon my plot of 12 girls all totally rotted and mucky. Two weeks ago there were several ounces, today only several ounces of muck. :-( better luck next year..

first are the only pics i took of them befor today--2nd week of flower...next are of today--catastrophe


Active Member
Jesus, I just shed a tear. I've been gong out everyday and drying stuff off from all the rain we had.

Good lesson though huh?


Well-Known Member
just looking at your pictures, I can tell you that you planted in the wrong area. Im surprised that the plants stayed alive that long. In the first pictures I can see the soil that the plants are growing in already look like mud. Then the after pictures the soil is terrible, mucky as crap. ive lost many plants from big rain storms, When the water just sits in the soil it drowns the plants roots, very quickly killing the plant. Im sorry for your loss though bro, better luck next year. I suggest not planting there again though, possibly on higher up areas, or like southern sloped hills, so lots of water will run down the hill and not pool up right under your plants.


Active Member
had that happen to me a while back, next year go with raised beds or pots, also might help to dig trenches to redirect water around your plants.
im sorry for your loss better luck next year
Sorry to see that man. That's just the way it goes some years. The weather sucked in my area as well. Found mold/bud rot on one of my only two plants today. Lost close to half of the smokeable bud (I'm guessing roughly 3 ozs lost). I thought the weather sucked last year, when it was hot and didn't rain. All this rain is much worse imo, especially during flowering when the buds are getting really thick. Better luck next year man. I'd try a different spot as well.


Well-Known Member
take it as a lesson learned, srry for ur loss, im thankful that my only issues have been animals, compared to how some ppls season has been going